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 Template  Contact Person

Template (internal) 2.16.840.1.113883. - ContactPerson
Id 2.16.840.1.113883.
Version valid from 2013‑06‑04 status Under develeopment
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Description Template ContactPerson
Associated with
Associated with 7 concepts
Id Name as of
epsos-dataelement-34 Contact Person/legal guardian 2013‑06‑03
epsos-dataelement-35 Role of that person 2013‑06‑03
epsos-dataelement-36 Full Name 2013‑06‑03
epsos-dataelement-37 Given Name 2013‑06‑03
epsos-dataelement-38 Family Name/Surname 2013‑06‑03
epsos-dataelement-39 Telephone No 2013‑06‑03
epsos-dataelement-40 E-mail 2013‑06‑03
Used in
Used in 1 template
Id Name as of epSOS-PS  epSOS-PS 2012‑05‑03
<associatedEntity classCode="CON">
  <templateId root=""/>
  <telecom use="WP" value="tel:+45 20 7025 6161"/>
  <telecom value=""/>
      <family>Español Smith</family>
Item DT Card Conf Desc Label
treetree @classCode
cs 1 .. 1
The value of @classCode shall be drawn from value set RoleClassAssociative(DYNAMIC)
target Target of concept id(s)
epsos-dataelement-34 Contact Person/legal guardian
treetree hl7:templateId
1 .. 1 M Template id Patient Contact Person (ContactPerson)
treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F
<templateId root=""/>
treetree hl7:code
CV 0 .. 1 Contact Relationship Type R1.8.6
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set PersonalRelationshipRoleType(DYNAMIC)
target Target of concept id(s)
epsos-dataelement-35 Role of that person
treetree hl7:addr
AD 1 .. 1 R Patient Contact's Address R1.8.3
treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NI
Choice min 0 element(s) and max * element(s). Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:streetAddressLine
  • hl7:city
  • hl7:postalCode
  • hl7:state
  • hl7:country
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
ADXP 0 .. * Patient Contact's Number of Street/Patient's Number of Street R1.8.3.1/R1.8.3.2
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
ADXP 0 .. * Patient Contact's City R1.8.3.3
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
ADXP 0 .. * Patient Contact's Postal Code R1.8.3.4
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
ADXP 0 .. * Patient Contact's State or Province R1.8.3.5
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
ADXP 0 .. * Patient Contact's Country R1.8.3.6
treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 .. * R The patient contact's telephone or e-mail <telecom> element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'UNK' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present R1.8.4.1/R1.8.4.2
treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F UNK
target Target of concept id(s)
epsos-dataelement-39 Telephone No
epsos-dataelement-40 E-mail
<telecom use="WP" value="tel:+45 20 7025 6161"/>
<telecom use="HP" value=""/>
treetree hl7:associatedPerson
1 .. 1 M (ContactPerson)
treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 0 .. 1 Contact Person's Name (ContactPerson)
target Target of concept id(s)
epsos-dataelement-36 Full Name
  <family>Español Smith</family>
Choice min 1 element(s) and max * element(s). Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:family
  • hl7:given
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
ENXP 1 .. * Patient Contact's Family Name/Surname R1.8.1
target Target of concept id(s)
epsos-dataelement-38 Family Name/Surname
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
ENXP 1 .. * Patient Contact's Given Name R1.8.2
target Target of concept id(s)
epsos-dataelement-37 Given Name