Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Politics Spain
Regione Lombardia Italy
Task Force ELGA and Austrian Ministry of Health Austria
Regional Health Care Service of Castilla la Mancha Spain
Group d'intérêt Public-Dossier Médical personnel France
http://www.epsos.eu/home/project-members-beneficiaries/industry-team.html Team consisting of over 30 companies active in healthcare
National IT Institute for Health Care The Netherlands
NHS connecting for Health United Kingdom
Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care Federal Republic of Germany
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Germany
Medcom and Danish National Board of Health Denmark
IZIP-Internet Access to Patient Electronic Health Record Czech Republic
Swedish Associations of Local Authorities and Regions Sweden
National Health Information Centre Slovakia
Fundacio Privada Centre Tic i Salut Spain
Federal Ministry of Health Germany
French Ministry of Health France