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draft Template  epSOS-Medication Related Overview

Template - epSOS-MRO
Version valid from 2013‑12‑20 status draft Under develeopment
Classification CDA Document Level Template
Context Pathname /
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)

epSOS Medication Related Overview Template

The implementers must be familiar with the context of the project, as it shall not be repeated in this document. The implementers must also be familiar with the content of the following documents:

  • CDA Release 2.0 Normative Web Edition, May, 2005
  • HL7 Implementation Guide: CDA Release 2 – Continuity of Care Document (CCD), HL7, April 1, 2007.
  • Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework, Volume 1 and Volume 2- Revision 5, IHE International, August 10, 2009.
  • Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, Patient Care Coordination CDA Content Modules- Trial Implementation Supplement, August 10, 2009.
  • HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: History and Physical (H&P) Notes, HL7, July 16, 2008.

The Medication Related Overview (MRO) is a document for informational purposes only that supports all possible information that might be needed in the process of prescribing, dispensing (and possibly even administering) medication to the patient in a foreign country.

The absolute minimum set of medical information in the MRO consists of all the coded prescriptions and medication dispenses available in country A. Other useful information for the medication process, such as allergies and intolerances, are in the extended data set of the MRO.

Used by / Uses
Used by / Uses 17 templates
Uses Template id as Name Version
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.110 Include epSOSCDAId DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.108 Include epSOSCDAsetId DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.100 Include epSOSCDArecordTarget DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.102 Include epSOSCDAauthor DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.104 Include epSOSCDAcustodian DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.109 Include epSOSCDAlegalAuthenticator DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.101 Include epSOSCDAContactOrPreferredHP DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.112 Include CDAparticipant DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.106 Include epSOSCDAdocumentationOfPCPR DYNAMIC
2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.107 Include epSOSCDArelatedDocument DYNAMIC Containment SectionMedicationSummary DYNAMIC Containment SectionAllergiesAndOtherAdverseReactions DYNAMIC Containment SectionActiveProblems DYNAMIC Containment SectionImmunizations DYNAMIC Containment SectionCodedSocialHistory DYNAMIC Containment SectionPregnancyHistory DYNAMIC Containment SectionCodedVitalSigns DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.1 (2005‑09‑07)
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
R CDA header (epSOS-MRO)
treetree hl7:realmCode
CS 1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treetree hl7:typeId
II.EPSOS 1 .. 1 M The clinical document typeId identifies the constraints imposed by CDA R2 on the content, essentially acting as a version identifier.

The @root and @extension values of this element are specified as shown in the example below.
treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
treeblank treetree @extension
1 .. 1 F POCD_HD000040
  Example <typeId extension="POCD_HD000040" root="2.16.840.1.113883.1.3"/>
treetree hl7:templateId
II.EPSOS 1 .. 1 M Template ID for epSOS Medication Related Overview document (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F
  Example <templateId root=""/>
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.110 epSOS CDA Id (DYNAMIC) 1..1 Mandatory
treetree hl7:id
1 .. 1 M

The ClinicalDocument/id element is an instance identifier data type. The root attribute is an OID. If there is a value in @extension, then the root uniquely identifies the scope of the extension. If there is no value in @extension then @root SHALL uniquely identify the document

UUIDs SHALL be represented in the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, where each X is a character from the set [A-Fa-f0-9].

OIDs SHALL be represented in dotted decimal notation, where each decimal number is either 0, or starts with a nonzero digit. More formally, an OID SHALL be in the form ([0-2])(.([1-9][0-9]*|0))+.

  Example <id extension="a621" root="2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.9999"/>
treetree hl7:code
CV.EPSOS 1 .. 1 M Determines the document type "epSOS Patient Summary Document" R1.11.6
treeblank treetree @displayName
1 .. 1 R
treeblank treetree @code
1 .. 1 F 56445-0
treeblank treetree @codeSystem
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 (LOINC)
  Example <code code="56445-0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Medication summary Document"/>
treetree hl7:title
ST 1 .. 1 M ClinicalDocument/title is used for display purposes. R1.11.7
  Example <title>epSOS Medication Related Overview Maria Bakker November 13, 2011</title>
treetree hl7:effectiveTime
TS.EPSOS.TZ 1 .. 1 M The element contains the date and time at which this document was created as an electronic document. R1.11.1
  Example <effectiveTime value="20111113125600"/>
treetree hl7:confidentialityCode
CE.EPSOS 1 .. 1 R ClinicalDocument/confidentialityCode shall be present in accordance with the HL7 CDA R2 standard. R1.11.8
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSConfidentiality (DYNAMIC)
  Example <confidentialityCode code="N" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.25"/>
treetree hl7:languageCode
CS 1 .. 1 M Document Language Code
  • The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC.
  • The nn portion SHALL be an ISO-639-1 language code in lower case derived by the Value Set epSOSLanguage.
  • The CC portion SHALL be an ISO-3166 country code in upper case derived by the value Set epSOSCountry
  Example <languageCode code="en-GB"/>
  Schematron assert role red error
  test matches(@code,'[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}')
  Message The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC where nn is ISO-639-1 epSOSLanguage and CC is ISO-3166 epSOSCountry
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.108 epSOS CDA setId (DYNAMIC) 0..1
treetree hl7:setId
0 .. 1 R

This attribute “represents an identifier that is common across all document revisions”.

In the case of the NCP transcoding /translation this is the ID that remains unchanged among all the existing transformations.

Implementers are recommended to use this attribute.

treetree hl7:versionNumber
0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.100 epSOS CDA recordTarget (DYNAMIC) 1..1 Mandatory
treetree hl7:recordTarget
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
0 .. 1 F RCT
treeblank treetree @contextControlCode
0 .. 1 F OP
treeblank treetree hl7:patientRole
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F PAT
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
II.EPSOS 1 .. * R Patient Identifiers: Primary Patient Identifier (Regional/National Health Id), Secondary Patient Identifier (Social/Insurance Number) R1.4 / R1.4.1 / R1.4.2
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD.EPSOS 1 .. 1 R The patient address <addr> element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and no address parts shall be present, otherwise there shall be no nullFlavor attribute, and at least one of the address parts listed below shall be present. R1.5
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NI
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
0 .. * R Patient's Number of Street/Patient's Number of Street R1.5.1 / R1.5.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
0 .. 1 R Patient's City R1.5.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
0 .. 1 R Patient's Postal Code R1.5.4
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
0 .. 1 R Patient's State or Province R1.5.5
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
0 .. 1 R Patient's Country. When used it is always bound to the epSOSCountry value set R1.5.6
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 .. * R Patient’s telephone number / Patient e-mail address. The patient telephone or e-mail <telecom> element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present Optionalities and Cardinalities of the following two items shall be interpreted according to this rule: e.g. is not expected to have two nullFlavored telecom elements. R1.6.1 / R1.6.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @use
0 .. 1  
The value of @use shall be drawn from value set epSOSTelecomAddress (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NI
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:patient
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F PSN
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @determinerCode
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 .. * R Patient Name R1.1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
1 .. * M Patient's Family Name/Surname R1.1.1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
0 .. * R Patient's Prefix R1.1.2
  Constraint If the attribute qualifier is used for this element it should be derived from epSOSEntityNamePartQualifier 2.16.840.1.113883.5.43
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
1 .. * M Patient's Given Name R1.1.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:administrativeGenderCode
CE.EPSOS 1 .. 1 R Patient's Gender R1.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F UNK
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSAdministrativeGender (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:birthTime
TS 1 .. 1 M Patient's Date of Birth. The patient date of birth may be a partial date such as only the year. R1.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:guardian
0 .. * R

The guardians of a patient shall be recorded in the <guardian> element beneath the /ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/patientRole/patient XML - <patient> element. Other patient contacts are described using the /ClinicalDocument/participant structure. The <associatedEntity> element defines the type of contact.

The relationship between the patient and the guardian or other contact should be recorded in the <code> element. The code attribute is required and comes from the HL7 PersonalRelationshipRoleType vocabulary (epSOSPersonalRelationship value set).

The address of the guardian or other contact should be present, and shall be represented, as any other address would be in CDA.

The phone number of the guardian or other contact should be present, and shall be represented, as any other phone number would be in CDA.

The name of the guardian or other contact shall be present, and shall be represented, as any other name would be in CDA.

treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
1 .. 1 F GUARD
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1  
  Use nullFlavor if unknown or if no information is applicable
  Example <guardian classCode="GUARD">
  <templateId root=""/>
    <streetAddressLine>2222 Home Street</streetAddressLine>    <city>London</city>    <state>London</state>    <postalCode>A1B 2C3</postalCode>    <country>UK</country>  </addr>
  <telecom value="tel:+452070256161"/>
  <telecom value=""/>
      <given>John</given>      <family>Español Smith</family>    </name>
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
II.EPSOS 1 .. 1 M Template id for IHE PCC Patient Contacts R1.7.A
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD.EPSOS 1 .. 1 R The guardian’s address <addr> element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and no address parts shall be present, otherwise there shall be no nullFlavor attribute, and at least one of the address parts listed below shall be present R1.7.A
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NI
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
0 .. * R Guardian's Number of Street/Guardian's Number of Street R1.7.A.3.1/R1.7.A.3.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
0 .. 1 R Guardian's City R1.7.A.3.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
0 .. 1 R Guardian's Postal Code R1.7.A.3.4
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
0 .. 1 R Guardian's State or Province R1.7.A.3.5
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
0 .. 1 R Guardian's Country. When used it is always bound to the epSOSCountry value set R1.7.A.3.6
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 .. * R Guardian’s telephone number / Patient e-mail address. The guardian telephone or e-mail <telecom> element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present Optionalities and Cardinalities of the following two items shall be interpreted according to this rule: e.g. is not expected to have two nullFlavored telecom elements. R1.7.A.4.1/R1.7.A.4.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @use
0 .. 1  
The value of @use shall be drawn from value set epSOSTelecomAddress (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NI
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:guardianPerson
1 .. 1 R R1.7.A
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 .. * R Patient Guardian's Name IHE PCC
Choice min 1 element(s) and max * element(s). Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:family
  • hl7:given
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
1 .. * R Patient Guardian's Family Name/Surname R1.7.A.1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
1 .. * R Patient Guardian's Given Name R1.7.A.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCommunication
1 .. * R This element is derived from the IHE template LanguageCommunication (, however this template does not need the element preferenceInd because the language is already said to be the "preferred language". (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:languageCode
CS 1 .. 1 R Patient’s preferred language
  • The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC.
  • The nn portion SHALL be an ISO-639-1 language code in lower case derived by the Value Set epSOSLanguage.
  • The CC portion SHALL be an ISO-3166 country code in upper case derived by the value Set epSOSCountry
  Example <languageCode code="en-GB"/>
  Schematron assert role red error
  test matches(@code,'[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}')
  Message The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC where nn is ISO-639-1 epSOSLanguage and CC is ISO-3166 epSOSCountry
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.102 epSOS CDA author (DYNAMIC) 1..* Required
treetree hl7:author
1 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
0 .. 1 F AUT
treeblank treetree @contextControlCode
0 .. 1 F OP
  Example <author>
  <time value="20121229"/>
    <id root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="RSSMRA00A01F205F" assigningAuthorityName="Ministero Economia e Finanze"/>
      <streetAddressLine>Viale della Cristallina 3</streetAddressLine>      <city>Bologna</city>      <state>BO</state>      <postalCode>40121</postalCode>      <country>IT</country>    </addr>
    <telecom use="WP" value="tel:(+39)051-34343434"/>
        <given>Paolo</given>        <family>Rossi</family>      </name>
treeblank treetree hl7:functionCode
CE.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R R1.10.6
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSHealthcareProfessionalRoles (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.EPSOS.TZ 1 .. 1 R The author/time element represents the start time of the author’s participation in the creation of the clinical document. The author/time element SHALL be present. (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthor
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
  Schematron assert role red error
  test @nullFlavor or hl7:assignedPerson or hl7:assignedAuthoringDevice
  Message If assignedAuthor has an associated representedOrganization with no assignedPerson or assignedAuthoringDevice, then the value for "ClinicalDocument/author/assignedAuthor/id/@nullFlavor" SHALL be "NA" "Not applicable" 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1008 NullFlavor STATIC.
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
II.EPSOS 1 .. * R HP ID number R1.10.5
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NA
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CE.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R HP Specialty R1.10.7
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL.EPSOS 1 .. * R Attribute @value SHALL contain a URI if element telecom is used. The URI scheme SHALL be one of URLScheme IHE PCC / R1.10.8 / R1.10.8.1 / R1.10.8.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @use
0 .. 1  
The value of @use shall be drawn from value set epSOSTelecomAddress (DYNAMIC)
Choice min 0 element(s) and max 1 element(s). Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:assignedPerson
  • hl7:assignedAuthoringDevice containing hl7:code from template CDA Device (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F PSN
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @determinerCode
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 .. 1 R HP Name IHE PCC
  Example <name>
  <given>John</given>  <family>Español Smith</family></name>
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
1 .. * R HP Family Name/Surname R1.10.1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
1 .. * R HP Given Name R1.10.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
1 .. * R HP Prefix R1.10.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:suffix
1 .. * R HP Suffix R1.10.4
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedAuthoringDevice
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.129 CDA Device (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
1 .. 1 R R1.10.9
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.111 epSOS CDA Organization (DYNAMIC)
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.104 epSOS CDA custodian (DYNAMIC) 1..1 Mandatory
treetree hl7:custodian
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
0 .. 1 F CST
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedCustodian
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedCustodianOrganization
1 .. 1 R R1.10.9
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F ORG
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @determinerCode
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.111 epSOS CDA Organization (DYNAMIC)
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.109 epSOS CDA legalAuthenticator (DYNAMIC) 1..* Mandatory
treetree hl7:legalAuthenticator
1 .. * M The person taking responsibility for the medical content of the document. In Spain this is the regional authority in healthcare. This regional authority healthcare organization will send this to the NCP. The definition of the legal authenticator may vary accoriding to the rules set up in the framework agreement particular to each state. It may be a person or a regional authority, or an NCP. R1.11.9
  Example <legalAuthenticator>
  <time value="20111013150937"/>
  <signatureCode code="S"/>
    <id extension="admin" root=""/>
        <given>John</given>        <family>Español Smith</family>      </name>
      <name>Healthcare Facility's name</name>      <addr>
        <country>NL</country>        <streetName>Duinweg</streetName>        <houseNumber>23</houseNumber>        <postalCode>7364 RX</postalCode>        <city>Amsterdam</city>      </addr>
treeblank treetree hl7:time
TS.EPSOS.TZ 1 .. 1 M Time of signing the document R1.11.9
treeblank treetree hl7:signatureCode
CS 0 .. 1 R Signature code R1.11.9
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282 ParticipationSignature (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
0 .. 1 R The regional authority that is responsible for the legal authentication of the CDA document R1.11.9
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
1 .. 1 M Unique identification of legal authenticator R1.11.9
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
1 .. 1 R IHE PCC
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F PSN
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @determinerCode
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.113 CDA Person (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 .. 1 R HP Name IHE PCC
  Example <name>
  <given>John</given>  <family>Español Smith</family></name>
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
1 .. * R HP Family Name/Surname R1.10.1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
1 .. * R HP Given Name R1.10.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:prefix
1 .. * R HP Prefix R1.10.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:suffix
1 .. * R HP Suffix R1.10.4
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
1 .. 1 M R1.11.9
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.111 epSOS CDA Organization (DYNAMIC)
Choice min 0 element(s) and max * element(s). Elements to choose from:
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.101 epSOS CDA Contact/Preferred HP/Legal Organization (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treetree hl7:participant
R Contact person / Preferred Health Professional to contact about patient. (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F IND
  Participant typeCode
Contact person
<participant typeCode="IND">
  <templateId root=""/>
  <time value="20070213"/>
  <associatedEntity classCode="NOK">
      <streetAddressLine>Promenade des Anglais 111</streetAddressLine>      <city>Lyon</city>      <postalCode>69001</postalCode>      <country>FR</country>    </addr>
    <telecom value="tel:(+33)555-20036" use="WP"/>
        <given>Martha</given>        <family>Mum</family>      </name>
Preferred HP
<participant typeCode="IND">
  <templateId root=""/>
  <functionCode code="PCP" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.88"/>
  <associatedEntity classCode="PRS">
      <streetAddressLine>Karl Strasse</streetAddressLine>      <city>Freiberg</city>      <postalCode>09599</postalCode>      <country>DE</country>    </addr>
    <telecom value="tel:(+49)761-11110000" use="WP"/>
        <given>Arzt</given>        <family>Guter</family>      </name>
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:templateId
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @root
1 .. 1 F
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:functionCode
0 .. 1 C (epSOS-MRO)
  Constraint The <functionCode> element is mandatory when this participant is the preferred HP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @code
1 .. 1 F PCP
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @codeSystem
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.5.88 (HL7 ParticipationFunction)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS.EPSOS.TZ.OPT 0 .. 1 R The <time> element may be present and indicates the time of the participation. (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
R The <associatedEntity> element identifies the type of contact. The classCode attribute shall be present, and contains a value from the epSOSRoleClass value set when used for the patient contacts; ‘PRS’ when used for “Preferred HP / Legal Organization”. (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
1 .. 1 R
The value of @classCode shall be drawn from value set epSOSRoleClass (DYNAMIC)
@classCode shall be "PRS"
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CV.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R The relationship between the patient and the guardian or other contact should be recorded in the <code> element. The code attribute is required and comes from the HL7 PersonalRelationshipRoleType vocabulary with codeSystem (2.16.840.1.113883.5.111). The codeSystem attribute is required. The relationship between the patient and his preferred HP comes from the the full RoleCode (2.16.840.1.113883.5.111) codeSystem R1.8.6
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @codeSystem
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.5.111 (RoleCode)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD.EPSOS 1 .. 1 R Patient Contact's / Preferred HP's Address R1.8.3 / R1.9.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F NI
  Schematron assert role red error
  test @nullFlavor or hl7:*
  Message If addr is not nullflavored at least one sub element has to be provided
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:streetAddressLine
0 .. * R Patient Contact's Street/Number of Street / Preferred HP's Street/Number of Street R1.8.3.1 / R1.8.3.2 / R1.9.2.1 / R1.9.2.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:city
0 .. 1 R Patient Contact's City / Preferred HP's City R1.8.2.3 / R1.9.2.3
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:postalCode
0 .. 1 R Patient Contact's Postal Code / Preferred HP's Postal Code R1.8.2.4 / R1.9.2.4
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:state
0 .. 1 R Patient Contact's State or Province / Preferred HP's State or Province R1.8.2.5 / R1.9.2.5
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:country
0 .. 1 R Patient Contact's Country / Preferred HP's Country. When used it is always bound to the epSOSCountry value set R1.8.2.6 / R1.9.2.6
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 1 .. * R Patient Contact's / Preferred HP's/Legal Organization telephone or e-mail <telecom> element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'UNK' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present R1.8.4.1 / R1.8.4.2 / R1.9.3.1 / R1.9.3.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @use
0 .. 1  
The value of @use shall be drawn from value set epSOSTelecomAddress (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @nullFlavor
0 .. 1 F UNK
  Example <telecom use="WP" value="tel:+45 20 7025 6161"/>
<telecom use="HP" value=""/>
Choice min 1 element(s) and max 1 element(s). Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:associatedPerson
  • hl7:scopingOrganization
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
PN 1 .. 1 R Patient Contact's Name / Preferred HP's Name IHE PCC / R1.9.1
  Example <name>
  <given>John</given>  <family>Español Smith</family></name>
Choice min 1 element(s) and max * element(s). Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:family
  • hl7:given
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:family
1 .. * R Patient Contact's Family Name/Surname / Preferred HP's Family Name/Surname R1.8.1 / R1.9.1.1
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:given
1 .. * R Patient Contact's Given Name / Preferred HP's Given Name R1.8.2 / R1.9.1.2
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:name
ON 1 .. 1 R Organization's Name R1.9.1
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.112 CDA participant (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treetree hl7:participant
0 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
cs 1 .. 1 R
The value of @typeCode shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10901 ParticipationType (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree @contextControlCode
1 .. 1 F OP
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:functionCode
CE.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10267 ParticipationFunction (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedEntity
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
cs 1 .. 1 R
The value of @classCode shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19313 RoleClassAssociative (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
II.EPSOS 0 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CE.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @codeSystem
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.5.111 (RoleCode)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
AD 0 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
TEL 0 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:associatedPerson
0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.113 CDA Person (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:scopingOrganization
0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.111 epSOS CDA Organization (DYNAMIC)
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.106 epSOS CDA documentationOf PCPR (DYNAMIC) 1..1 Required
treetree hl7:documentationOf
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
1 .. 1 F DOC
treeblank treetree hl7:serviceEvent
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
1 .. 1 F PCPR
treeblank treeblank treetree @moodCode
1 .. 1 F EVN
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
II.EPSOS 0 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CE.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:effectiveTime
IVL_TS 1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:low
TS 1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:high
TS 1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:performer
0 .. * R represents the healthcare providers involved in the current or pertinent historical care of the patient. Preferably, the patient’s key healthcare providers would be listed, particularly their primary physician and any active consulting physicians, therapists, and counselors (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @typeCode
cs 1 .. 1 R
The value of @typeCode shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19601 x_ServiceEventPerformer (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:functionCode
CE.EPSOS 1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSHealthcareProfessionalRoles (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:time
IVL_TS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedEntity
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
II.EPSOS 1 .. * R HP ID number (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CE.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R HP Specialty (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:addr
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:telecom
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:assignedPerson
0 .. 1 (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.113 CDA Person (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:representedOrganization
0 .. 1 (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.111 epSOS CDA Organization (DYNAMIC)
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.107 epSOS CDA relatedDocument (DYNAMIC) 1..1 Mandatory
treetree hl7:relatedDocument
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree @typeCode
cs 1 .. 1 R
The value of @typeCode shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11610 x_ActRelationshipDocument (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treetree hl7:parentDocument
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F DOCCLIN
treeblank treeblank treetree @moodCode
0 .. 1 F EVN
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:id
II.EPSOS 1 .. * R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:code
CD.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree @codeSystem
1 .. 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 (LOINC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:text
ED 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:setId
II.EPSOS 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:versionNumber
INT 0 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
treetree hl7:component
1 .. 1 M (epSOS-MRO)
treeblank treetree hl7:structuredBody
1 .. 1 M
  • SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] Medication Summary Section (templateId:
  • SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] Allergies and Other Adverse Reactions Section (templateId:
  • MAY contain zero or one [0..1] Active Problems Section (templateId:
  • MAY contain zero or one [0..1] Immunizations Section (templateId:
  • MAY contain zero or one [0..1] Coded Social History Section (templateId:
  • MAY contain zero or one [0..1] Pregnancy History Section (templateId:
  • MAY contain zero or one [0..1] Coded Vital Signs Section (templateId:
treeblank treeblank treetree @classCode
0 .. 1 F DOCBODY
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Medication Summary (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Allergies and Other Adverse Reactions (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Active Problems (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Immunizations (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Coded Social History (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Pregnancy History (DYNAMIC)
treeblank treeblank treetree hl7:component
[hl7:section [hl7:templateId/@root='' and hl7:templateId/@root='']]
1 .. 1 R (epSOS-MRO)
  Contains Section Coded Vital Signs (DYNAMIC)