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ref Template  epSOS CDA recordTarget

Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.11.10.100 Effective Date valid from 2013‑12‑20
Status draft Draft Version Label
Name epSOSCDArecordTarget Display Name epSOS CDA recordTarget
Classification CDA Header Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Associated with
Associated with 28 concepts
Id Name Data Set
epsos-dataelement-26 Contact Information epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-263 Prefix epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-51 Street epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-235 Other Identifier epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-28 Telephone No epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-13 Family Name/Surname epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-39 Telephone No epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-38 Family Name/Surname epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-54 Country epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-27 Address epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-10 Date of Birth epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-11 Gender epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-8 Personal Information epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-55 City epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-7 National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation) epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-53 Postal Code epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-12 Given name epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-234 National Health Care patient ID (country of treatment) epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-5 Patient Data epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-300 Telecom epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-52 Number of Street epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-29 Email epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-37 Given Name epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-6 Identification epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-56 State or Province epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-34 Contact Person/legal guardian epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-9 Full Name epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-36 Full Name epSOS Data Set
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 7 templates, Uses 0 templates
Used by as Name Version Include draft epSOS-ePrescription 2013‑12‑20 Include draft epSOS-eDispensation 2013‑12‑20 Include draft epSOS-Patient Summary 2013‑12‑20 Include draft epSOS-Health Care Encounter Report 2013‑12‑20 Include draft epSOS-Medication Related Overview 2013‑12‑20 Include draft eHDSI-ePrescription PDF embedded 2017‑03‑11 22:32:59 Include draft eHDSI-Patient Summary PDF embedded 2017‑03‑11 18:41:31
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.101 (2005‑09‑07)
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
1 … * R (epSdotsget)
target epsos-dataelement-5 Patient Data epSOS Data Set
cs 0 … 1 F RCT
cs 0 … 1 F OP
1 … 1 M (epSdotsget)
target epsos-dataelement-26 Contact Information epSOS Data Set
cs 0 … 1 F PAT
II.EPSOS 1 … * R Patient Identifiers: Primary Patient Identifier (Regional/National Health Id), Secondary Patient Identifier (Social/Insurance Number) R1.4 / R1.4.1 / R1.4.2
target epsos-dataelement-235 Other Identifier epSOS Data Set
  epsos-dataelement-7 National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation) epSOS Data Set
  epsos-dataelement-234 National Health Care patient ID (country of treatment) epSOS Data Set
  epsos-dataelement-6 Identification epSOS Data Set
AD.EPSOS 1 … 1 R The patient address element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and no address parts shall be present, otherwise there shall be no nullFlavor attribute, and at least one of the address parts listed below shall be present. R1.5
target epsos-dataelement-27 Address epSOS Data Set
cs 0 … 1 F NI
0 … * R Patient's Number of Street/Patient's Number of Street R1.5.1 / R1.5.2
target epsos-dataelement-51 Street epSOS Data Set
  epsos-dataelement-52 Number of Street epSOS Data Set
0 … 1 R Patient's City R1.5.3
target epsos-dataelement-55 City epSOS Data Set
0 … 1 R Patient's Postal Code R1.5.4
target epsos-dataelement-53 Postal Code epSOS Data Set
0 … 1 R Patient's State or Province R1.5.5
target epsos-dataelement-56 State or Province epSOS Data Set
0 … 1 R Patient's Country. When used it is always bound to the epSOSCountry value set R1.5.6
target epsos-dataelement-54 Country epSOS Data Set
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSCountry (DYNAMIC)
TEL 1 … * R Patient’s telephone number / Patient e-mail address. The patient telephone or e-mail element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present Optionalities and Cardinalities of the following two items shall be interpreted according to this rule: e.g. is not expected to have two nullFlavored telecom elements. R1.6.1 / R1.6.2
target epsos-dataelement-28 Telephone No epSOS Data Set
  epsos-dataelement-300 Telecom epSOS Data Set
  epsos-dataelement-29 Email epSOS Data Set
set_cs 0 … 1  
The value of @use shall be drawn from value set epSOSTelecomAddress (DYNAMIC)
cs 0 … 1 F NI
1 … 1 M (epSdotsget)
target epsos-dataelement-8 Personal Information epSOS Data Set
cs 0 … 1 F PSN
cs 0 … 1 F INSTANCE
PN 1 … * R Patient Name R1.1
target epsos-dataelement-9 Full Name epSOS Data Set
1 … * M Patient's Family Name/Surname R1.1.1
target epsos-dataelement-13 Family Name/Surname epSOS Data Set
0 … * R Patient's Prefix R1.1.2
target epsos-dataelement-263 Prefix epSOS Data Set
  Constraint If the attribute qualifier is used for this element it should be derived from epSOSEntityNamePartQualifier 2.16.840.1.113883.5.43
1 … * M Patient's Given Name R1.1.3
target epsos-dataelement-12 Given name epSOS Data Set
CE.EPSOS 1 … 1 R Patient's Gender R1.2
target epsos-dataelement-11 Gender epSOS Data Set
cs 0 … 1 F UNK
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSAdministrativeGender (DYNAMIC)
TS 1 … 1 M Patient's Date of Birth. The patient date of birth may be a partial date such as only the year. R1.3
target epsos-dataelement-10 Date of Birth epSOS Data Set
0 … * R

The guardians of a patient shall be recorded in the <guardian> element beneath the /ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/patientRole/patient XML - <patient> element. Other patient contacts are described using the /ClinicalDocument/participant structure. The <associatedEntity> element defines the type of contact.

The relationship between the patient and the guardian or other contact should be recorded in the <code> element. The code attribute is required and comes from the HL7 PersonalRelationshipRoleType vocabulary (epSOSPersonalRelationship value set).

The address of the guardian or other contact should be present, and shall be represented, as any other address would be in CDA.

The phone number of the guardian or other contact should be present, and shall be represented, as any other phone number would be in CDA.

The name of the guardian or other contact shall be present, and shall be represented, as any other name would be in CDA.

cs 1 … 1 F GUARD
cs 0 … 1   Use nullFlavor if unknown or if no information is applicable
  Example <guardian classCode="GUARD">
  <templateId root=""/>  <addr>
    <streetAddressLine>2222 Home Street</streetAddressLine>    <city>London</city>    <state>London</state>    <postalCode>A1B 2C3</postalCode>    <country>UK</country>  </addr>
  <telecom value="tel:+452070256161"/>  <telecom value=""/>  <guardianPerson>
      <given>John</given>      <family>Español Smith</family>    </name>
II.EPSOS 1 … 1 M Template id for IHE PCC Patient Contacts R1.7.A
uid 1 … 1 F
AD.EPSOS 1 … 1 R The guardian’s address element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and no address parts shall be present, otherwise there shall be no nullFlavor attribute, and at least one of the address parts listed below shall be present R1.7.A
cs 0 … 1 F NI
0 … * R Guardian's Number of Street/Guardian's Number of Street R1.7dots.3.2
0 … 1 R Guardian's City R1.7dots.3.3
0 … 1 R Guardian's Postal Code R1.7dots.3.4
0 … 1 R Guardian's State or Province R1.7dots.3.5
0 … 1 R Guardian's Country. When used it is always bound to the epSOSCountry value set R1.7dots.3.6
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set epSOSCountry (DYNAMIC)
TEL 1 … * R Guardian’s telephone number / Patient e-mail address. The guardian telephone or e-mail element is required. If there is no information, the nullFlavor attribute shall have a value of 'NI' and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be omitted, otherwise the nullFlavor attribute shall not be present, and the "value" and "use" attributes shall be present Optionalities and Cardinalities of the following two items shall be interpreted according to this rule: e.g. is not expected to have two nullFlavored telecom elements. R1.7dots.4.2
target epsos-dataelement-39 Telephone No epSOS Data Set
set_cs 0 … 1  
The value of @use shall be drawn from value set epSOSTelecomAddress (DYNAMIC)
cs 0 … 1 F NI
1 … 1 R R1.7.A
target epsos-dataelement-34 Contact Person/legal guardian epSOS Data Set
PN 1 … * R Patient Guardian's Name IHE PCC
target epsos-dataelement-36 Full Name epSOS Data Set
Choice 2 … * Elements to choose from:
  • hl7:family
  • hl7:given
1 … * R Patient Guardian's Family Name/Surname R1.7.A.1
target epsos-dataelement-38 Family Name/Surname epSOS Data Set
1 … * R Patient Guardian's Given Name R1.7.A.2
target epsos-dataelement-37 Given Name epSOS Data Set
0 … * R This element is derived from the IHE template LanguageCommunication (, however this template does not need the element preferenceInd because the language is already said to be the "preferred language". (epSdotsget)
CS 1 … 1 R Patient’s preferred language
  • The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC.
  • The nn portion SHALL be an ISO-639-1 language code in lower case derived by the Value Set epSOSLanguage.
  • The CC portion SHALL be an ISO-3166 country code in upper case derived by the value Set epSOSCountry
  Example <languageCode code="en-GB"/>
  Schematron assert role red error  
  test matches(@code,'[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}')  
  Message The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC where nn is ISO-639-1 epSOSLanguage and CC is ISO-3166 epSOSCountry