DECOR Information for Project: epSOS (epsos-)


draft ePrescription (eP) 2013‑11‑02

Name Id
ePrescription (eP) epsos-scenario-1
doublearrow Transaction group id: epsos-transactions-17
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Request eP/Receive eP
You need SVG support in your browser for this image
arrowright Transaction id: epsos-transactions-18
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Request eP from country A
Description Please note that requesting something comes down to an IHE XCF/XCA Request. This is not modelled in this specification. Refer to the IHE Profile for details
Actor - Sender (organization)
Name HP B
Description Health Care Provider B
Actor - Receiver (organization)
Name HP A
Description Health Care Provider A
Representing template
Source data set epSOS Data Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 / 2013‑05‑30)
Contained concepts
Concept Card/Conf Id
folder Patient Data
0..* epsos-dataelement-5
Information about the patient
treetree folder Identification
0..* epsos-dataelement-6
Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
0..* epsos-dataelement-7
Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treetree folder Personal Information
0..* epsos-dataelement-8
Personal information about the patient
treeblank treetree folder Full Name
0..* epsos-dataelement-9
The full name of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given name
0..* epsos-dataelement-12
The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
0..* epsos-dataelement-13
This field can containe more than one element.
treeblank treetree draft  Date of Birth
0..* epsos-dataelement-10
The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
treeblank treetree draft  Gender
0..* epsos-dataelement-11
It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
folder Document Data
0..1 epsos-dataelement-62
Information about the document itself
treetree draft  Type
1..1 epsos-dataelement-296
Type of the document
arrowleft Transaction id: epsos-transactions-19
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Return eP from country A
Model ClinicalDocument 
Label ePrescription 
Actor - Sender (organization)
Name HP A
Description Health Care Provider A
Actor - Receiver (organization)
Name HP B
Description Health Care Provider B
Representing template
Template epSOS-ePrescription ( / 2013‑12‑20)
Source data set epSOS Data Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 / 2013‑05‑30)
Contained concepts
Concept Card/Conf Id
folder Patient Data
0..1 epsos-dataelement-5
Information about the patient
treetree folder Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-6
Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-7
Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  Other Identifier
0..* epsos-dataelement-235
Other identifiers than the national health care patient IDs from either the country of affiliation or the country of treatment
treetree folder Personal Information
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-8
Personal information about the patient
treeblank treetree folder Full Name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-9
The full name of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-12
The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-13
This field can containe more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-263
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-264
treeblank treetree draft  Date of Birth
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-10
The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
treeblank treetree draft  Gender
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-11
It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
treetree folder Contact Information
0..* epsos-dataelement-26
Contact information of the patient, including information of the contacts of the patient.
treeblank treetree folder Address
0..* epsos-dataelement-27
Address of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-51
Name of street where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-52
House number where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  City
0..1 epsos-dataelement-55
City where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Postal Code
0..1 epsos-dataelement-53
Postal code where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  State or Province
0..1 epsos-dataelement-56
State or province where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Country
0..1 epsos-dataelement-54
Country where the patient lives
treeblank treetree folder Telecom
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-300
Telecommunication addresses of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..* epsos-dataelement-28
Telephone number of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..* epsos-dataelement-29
Email address of the patient
treeblank treetree folder Preferred HP to contact
0..1 epsos-dataelement-30
Preferred Health Professional to contact. A foreign HP may need a contact (HP/legal organization) who knows the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree folder Full Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-46
Name of the HP/name of the legal organization. If it is an HP, the structure of the name will be the same as described in ‘Full name’ (Given name, family name/surname)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
Conditional epsos-dataelement-47
The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
Conditional epsos-dataelement-48
This field can contain more than one element.
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
Conditional epsos-dataelement-265
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
Conditional epsos-dataelement-266
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-41
Telephone number of the HP/name of the legal organization
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-43
Email address of the HP/name of the legal organization
folder Clinical Data
0..* epsos-dataelement-16
Clinical information of the patient
treetree folder Medication
0..1 epsos-dataelement-101
treeblank treetree folder Prescription
0..* epsos-dataelement-102
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescription identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-134
Unique identification of the prescription
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Medicinal product code
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-135
Code that identifies the medicinal product description
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of issue of prescription
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-136
Date when medicine has been prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Brand name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-137
Original brand name of the medicine (in the language of the country in which the prescription was made)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-103
Substance that alone or in combination with one or more other ingredients produces the intended activity of a medicinal product.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient code
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-104
Code that identifies the Active ingredient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Strength
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-105
The content of the active ingredient expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume or per unit of weight, according to the pharmaceutical dose form. Example: 500 mg per tablet
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Medicinal product package size
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-138
The size of the package prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Pharmaceutical dose form
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-106
It is the form in which a pharmaceutical product is presented in the medicinal product package (e.g. tablets, syrup)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of packages
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-139
Number of boxes that have been prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of units per intake
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-107
The number of units per intake that the patient is taking (e.g. 1 tablet)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Frequency of intakes
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-108
Frequency of intakes (per hours/day/month/ week..). Example: each 24 hours
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Duration of treatment
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-109
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of onset of treatment
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-110
Date when patient needs to start taking the medicine prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Route of administration
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-140

Indicates the part of the body through or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product is intended to be introduced. In some cases a medicinal product can be intended for more than one route and/or method of administration.



treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Instructions to patient
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-141
The prescriber might give to the patient instructions; They must be presented in the original language.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Advice to dispenser
0..1 epsos-dataelement-142
The prescriber might give instructions to the dispenser. The information will be in the original language as automatic translation is not secure enough. To avoid legal and ethical issues to the dispenser, it should be wise to implement an option that allows the dispenser to decide, knowing that this data is available, whether he wants to consult it or not.
treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber
0..1 epsos-dataelement-236
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescriber Profession
0..1 epsos-dataelement-237
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescriber Speciality
0..* epsos-dataelement-238
Some countries need the specialty of the prescriber for the epSOS ePrescription to be seen as valid. In the epSOS phase 1 ePrescription data set, this element is not basic (minimum), therefore not always filled in. The proposal is to define the specialty of the prescriber as a basic element, so it should be filled in, if available. As it could be that this information is not available in every country, null values should be allowed.
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Timestamp of Prescribing
0..1 epsos-dataelement-239
Date/time the medication was prescribed
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescriber Identification
0..1 epsos-dataelement-240
Unique identification of the prescriber
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Full Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-241
The full name of the Health Professional
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-242
The Name of the Prescriber (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
0..1 epsos-dataelement-243
This field can contain more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-269
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-270
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Telecom
0..* epsos-dataelement-282
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..1 epsos-dataelement-280
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..1 epsos-dataelement-281
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Healthcare Facility
0..1 epsos-dataelement-244
Information about the healthcare facility where the health professional works
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
0..1 epsos-dataelement-245
Unique identification of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-246
Name of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Healthcare Facility Telecom
0..* epsos-dataelement-283
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..1 epsos-dataelement-278
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..1 epsos-dataelement-279
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Credentialing Organization
0..1 epsos-dataelement-290
The organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
0..1 epsos-dataelement-291
Unique identification of the organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-292
The name of the organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
folder Document Data
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-62
Information about the document itself
treetree draft  Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-176
Identification of the document
treetree draft  Type
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-296
Type of the document
treetree draft  Confidentiality
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-297
Confidentiality of the document as a whole
treetree draft  Language
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-298
The principal language of the documentThe language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC. The nn portion SHALL be an ISO-639-1 language code in lower case derived by the Value Set epSOSLanguage. The CC portion SHALL be an ISO-3166 country code in upper case derived by the value Set epSOSCountry
treetree draft  Country A
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-63
Name of country A
treetree folder Topicality
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-64
treeblank treetree draft  Date Created
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-65
Date on which the document was generated
treetree folder Author
0..1 epsos-dataelement-67
To highlight if the data is collected manually by an HP or is collected automatically from different sources (eg: hospital doctor repository, GPs...etc) through predetermined clinical rules.
treeblank treetree draft  Author Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-22
Unique identification of the Health Professional.
treeblank treetree folder Author Full Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-19
The full name of the Health Professional
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-20
The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-21
This field can contain more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-273
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-274
treeblank treetree folder Author Healthcare Facility
0..1 epsos-dataelement-23
Information about the healthcare facility where the health professional works
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-25
Unique identification of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-24
Name of the healthcare facility

draft eDispensation (eD) 2013‑11‑02

Name Id
eDispensation (eD) epsos-scenario-2
doublearrow Transaction group id: epsos-transactions-24
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Send eD/Receive ACK
You need SVG support in your browser for this image
arrowright Transaction id: epsos-transactions-25
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Send eD to country A
Model ClinicalDocument 
Label eDispensation 
Actor - Sender (organization)
Name HP B
Description Health Care Provider B
Actor - Receiver (organization)
Name HP A
Description Health Care Provider A
Representing template
Template epSOS-eDispensation ( / 2013‑12‑20)
Source data set epSOS Data Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 / 2013‑05‑30)
Contained concepts
Concept Card/Conf Id
folder Patient Data
0..1 epsos-dataelement-5
Information about the patient
treetree folder Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-6
Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-7
Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of treatment)
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-234
Country ID given in the country of treatment, unique for the patient in that country. Identifier that identifies that patient within the country B eHealth Infrastructure.
treeblank treetree draft  Other Identifier
0..* epsos-dataelement-235
Other identifiers than the national health care patient IDs from either the country of affiliation or the country of treatment
treetree folder Personal Information
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-8
Personal information about the patient
treeblank treetree folder Full Name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-9
The full name of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-12
The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-13
This field can containe more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-263
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-264
treeblank treetree draft  Date of Birth
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-10
The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
treeblank treetree draft  Gender
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-11
It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
treetree folder Contact Information
0..* epsos-dataelement-26
Contact information of the patient, including information of the contacts of the patient.
treeblank treetree folder Address
0..* epsos-dataelement-27
Address of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-51
Name of street where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-52
House number where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  City
0..1 epsos-dataelement-55
City where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Postal Code
0..1 epsos-dataelement-53
Postal code where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  State or Province
0..1 epsos-dataelement-56
State or province where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Country
0..1 epsos-dataelement-54
Country where the patient lives
treeblank treetree folder Telecom
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-300
Telecommunication addresses of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..* epsos-dataelement-28
Telephone number of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..* epsos-dataelement-29
Email address of the patient
treeblank treetree folder Preferred HP to contact
0..1 epsos-dataelement-30
Preferred Health Professional to contact. A foreign HP may need a contact (HP/legal organization) who knows the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree folder Full Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-46
Name of the HP/name of the legal organization. If it is an HP, the structure of the name will be the same as described in ‘Full name’ (Given name, family name/surname)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
Conditional epsos-dataelement-47
The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
Conditional epsos-dataelement-48
This field can contain more than one element.
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
Conditional epsos-dataelement-265
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
Conditional epsos-dataelement-266
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-41
Telephone number of the HP/name of the legal organization
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-43
Email address of the HP/name of the legal organization
folder Clinical Data
0..* epsos-dataelement-16
Clinical information of the patient
treetree folder Medication
0..1 epsos-dataelement-101
treeblank treetree folder Dispense
0..* epsos-dataelement-143
Information about dispensed medication
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Dispense identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-165
Unique identification of the dispensed medication
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of issue of dispense
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-173
Date when the medicine has been dispensed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Related Prescription
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-162
The ID of the prescription serving as the basis for the dispensation
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Related Prescription Item
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-299
Identification of the item or medicine of the related prescription (country A) of the dispensed medicine. One prescription might contain more than one item or medicine. In the country where prescriptions contain just one item, then the prescription ID=Prescription ID item.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Brand name
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-172
Original brand name of the medicine (in the language of the country in which the prescription was made)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-160
Substance that alone or in combination with one or more other ingredients produces the intended activity of a medicinal product.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient code
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-159
Code that identifies the Active ingredient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Strength
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-156
The content of the active ingredient expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume or per unit of weight, according to the pharmaceutical dose form. Example: 500 mg per tablet
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Medicinal product package size
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-158
The size of the package prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Pharmaceutical dose form
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-154
It is the form in which a pharmaceutical product is presented in the medicinal product package (e.g. tablets, syrup)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Route of administration
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-153

Indicates the part of the body through or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product is intended to be introduced. In some cases a medicinal product can be intended for more than one route and/or method of administration.



treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of packages
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-152
Number of boxes that have been prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of units per intake
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-151
The number of units per intake that the patient is taking (e.g. 1 tablet)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Frequency of intakes
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-150
Frequency of intakes (per hours/day/month/ week..). Example: each 24 hours
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Substitution
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-149
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Duration of treatment
0..1 epsos-dataelement-148
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of onset of treatment according to prescription
0..1 epsos-dataelement-147
Date when the patient needs to start taking the medicine prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Validity of prescription
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-146
Date of the end of the treatment or prescriptions where the end of treatment has expired
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of onset of dispense
0..1 epsos-dataelement-145
Date when the patient starts taking the medicine dispensed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Expected date of end of treatment
0..1 epsos-dataelement-144
Expectation when the patient stops taking the medicine dispensed
treeblank treeblank treetree folder Dispenser
0..1 epsos-dataelement-247
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Timestamp of dispensing
0..1 epsos-dataelement-248
Date/time the medication was dispensed
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Dispenser Identification
0..1 epsos-dataelement-249
Unique identification of the dispenser
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Dispenser Full Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-250
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given
0..1 epsos-dataelement-251
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
0..1 epsos-dataelement-252
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-271
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-272
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Dispenser Telecom
0..* epsos-dataelement-287
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..1 epsos-dataelement-288
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..1 epsos-dataelement-289
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Dispenser Healthcare Facility
0..1 epsos-dataelement-253
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
0..1 epsos-dataelement-254
Unique identification of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-255
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Address
0..1 epsos-dataelement-256
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-257
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-258
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  City
0..1 epsos-dataelement-259
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Postal Code
0..1 epsos-dataelement-260
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  State or Province
0..1 epsos-dataelement-261
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Country
0..1 epsos-dataelement-262
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Healthcare Facility Telecom
0..1 epsos-dataelement-284
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..1 epsos-dataelement-285
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..1 epsos-dataelement-286
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Dispenser Credentialing Organization
0..1 epsos-dataelement-293
The organization which provided the credentialing for the dispenser
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identification
0..1 epsos-dataelement-294
Unique identification of the organization which provided the credentialing for the dispenser
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-295
The name of the organization which provided the credentialing for the dispenser
folder Document Data
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-62
Information about the document itself
treetree draft  Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-176
Identification of the document
treetree draft  Type
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-296
Type of the document
treetree draft  Confidentiality
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-297
Confidentiality of the document as a whole
treetree draft  Language
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-298
The principal language of the documentThe language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC. The nn portion SHALL be an ISO-639-1 language code in lower case derived by the Value Set epSOSLanguage. The CC portion SHALL be an ISO-3166 country code in upper case derived by the value Set epSOSCountry
treetree draft  Country B
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-179
Name of country B
treetree folder Topicality
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-64
treeblank treetree draft  Date Created
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-65
Date on which the document was generated
treetree folder Author
0..1 epsos-dataelement-67
To highlight if the data is collected manually by an HP or is collected automatically from different sources (eg: hospital doctor repository, GPs...etc) through predetermined clinical rules.
treeblank treetree draft  Author Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-22
Unique identification of the Health Professional.
treeblank treetree folder Author Full Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-19
The full name of the Health Professional
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-20
The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-21
This field can contain more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-273
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-274
treeblank treetree folder Author Healthcare Facility
0..1 epsos-dataelement-23
Information about the healthcare facility where the health professional works
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-25
Unique identification of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-24
Name of the healthcare facility
arrowleft Transaction id: epsos-transactions-26
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Respond ACK
Description Please note that acknowledgements come down to an IHE XCF/XCA Response. This is not modelled in this specification. Refer to the IHE Profile for details
Actor - Sender (organization)
Name HP A
Description Health Care Provider A
Actor - Receiver (organization)
Name HP B
Description Health Care Provider B
Representing template
Source data set epSOS Data Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 / 2013‑05‑30)

draft Medication Related Overview (MRO) 2013‑11‑02

Name Id
Medication Related Overview (MRO) epsos-scenario-4
doublearrow Transaction group id: epsos-transactions-13
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Request/Return MRO
You need SVG support in your browser for this image
arrowright Transaction id: epsos-transactions-14
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Request MRO
Description Please note that requesting something comes down to an IHE XCF/XCA Request. This is not modelled in this specification. Refer to the IHE Profile for details
Actor - Sender (organization)
Name HP B
Description Health Care Provider B
Actor - Receiver (organization)
Name HP A
Description Health Care Provider A
Representing template
Source data set epSOS Data Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 / 2013‑05‑30)
Contained concepts
Concept Card/Conf Id
folder Patient Data
0..* epsos-dataelement-5
Information about the patient
treetree folder Identification
0..* epsos-dataelement-6
Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
0..* epsos-dataelement-7
Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treetree folder Personal Information
0..* epsos-dataelement-8
Personal information about the patient
treeblank treetree folder Full Name
0..* epsos-dataelement-9
The full name of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given name
0..* epsos-dataelement-12
The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
0..* epsos-dataelement-13
This field can containe more than one element.
treeblank treetree draft  Date of Birth
0..* epsos-dataelement-10
The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
treeblank treetree draft  Gender
0..* epsos-dataelement-11
It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
folder Document Data
0..1 epsos-dataelement-62
Information about the document itself
treetree draft  Type
1..1 epsos-dataelement-296
Type of the document
arrowleft Transaction id: epsos-transactions-23
Status draft Draft
Version / effective date 2013‑11‑02
Name Return MRO
Model ClinicalDocument 
Label MedicationRelatedOverview 
Actor - Sender (organization)
Name HP A
Description Health Care Provider A
Actor - Receiver (organization)
Name HP B
Description Health Care Provider B
Representing template
Template epSOS-Health Care Encounter Report ( / 2013‑12‑20)
Source data set epSOS Data Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 / 2013‑05‑30)
Contained concepts
Concept Card/Conf Id
folder Patient Data
0..1 epsos-dataelement-5
Information about the patient
treetree folder Identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-6
Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-7
Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
treeblank treetree draft  National Health Care patient ID (country of treatment)
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-234
Country ID given in the country of treatment, unique for the patient in that country. Identifier that identifies that patient within the country B eHealth Infrastructure.
treeblank treetree draft  Other Identifier
0..* epsos-dataelement-235
Other identifiers than the national health care patient IDs from either the country of affiliation or the country of treatment
treetree folder Personal Information
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-8
Personal information about the patient
treeblank treetree folder Full Name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-9
The full name of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-12
The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-13
This field can containe more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-263
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-264
treeblank treetree draft  Date of Birth
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-10
The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
treeblank treetree draft  Gender
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-11
It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
treetree folder Contact Information
0..* epsos-dataelement-26
Contact information of the patient, including information of the contacts of the patient.
treeblank treetree folder Address
0..* epsos-dataelement-27
Address of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-51
Name of street where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of Street
0..1 epsos-dataelement-52
House number where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  City
0..1 epsos-dataelement-55
City where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Postal Code
0..1 epsos-dataelement-53
Postal code where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  State or Province
0..1 epsos-dataelement-56
State or province where the patient lives
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Country
0..1 epsos-dataelement-54
Country where the patient lives
treeblank treetree folder Telecom
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-300
Telecommunication addresses of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..* epsos-dataelement-28
Telephone number of the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..* epsos-dataelement-29
Email address of the patient
treeblank treetree folder Preferred HP to contact
0..1 epsos-dataelement-30
Preferred Health Professional to contact. A foreign HP may need a contact (HP/legal organization) who knows the patient
treeblank treeblank treetree folder Full Name
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-46
Name of the HP/name of the legal organization. If it is an HP, the structure of the name will be the same as described in ‘Full name’ (Given name, family name/surname)
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
Conditional epsos-dataelement-47
The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
Conditional epsos-dataelement-48
This field can contain more than one element.
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
Conditional epsos-dataelement-265
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
Conditional epsos-dataelement-266
Condition Card/Conf
If it is an HP 0..1 Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-41
Telephone number of the HP/name of the legal organization
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-43
Email address of the HP/name of the legal organization
folder Clinical Data
0..1 epsos-dataelement-16
Clinical information of the patient
treetree folder Medical Problems
0..1 epsos-dataelement-82
treeblank treetree folder Problem/Diagnosis
Conditional epsos-dataelement-228
Condition Card/Conf
Current problem/diagnosis 0..*
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Problem/diagnosis Description
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-229
Problems or diagnosis not included under the definition of ‘Current problems or diagnosis’. Example: hepatic cyst (the patient has been treated with an hepatic cystectomy that solved the problem and therefore it ́s a closed problem)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Problem/diagnosis Id (Code)
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-230
Normalized identifier
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Problem Status
0..1 epsos-dataelement-307
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Problem Severity
0..1 epsos-dataelement-303
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Onset Time
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-231
Date of problem onset
treeblank treetree folder Disability or function
0..* epsos-dataelement-98
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Invalidity description
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-99
Need of the patient to be continuously assisted by third parties. Invalidity status may influence decisions about how to administer treatments
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Onset time
0..1 epsos-dataelement-132
Date of invalidity onset
treetree folder Medication
0..1 epsos-dataelement-101
treeblank treetree folder Prescription
Conditional epsos-dataelement-102
Condition Card/Conf
All prescribed medicine whose period of time indicated for the treatment has not yet expired 0..* Required
otherwise 0..0 Not present
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescription identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-134
Unique identification of the prescription
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Medicinal product code
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-135
Code that identifies the medicinal product description
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of issue of prescription
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-136
Date when medicine has been prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Brand name
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-137
Original brand name of the medicine (in the language of the country in which the prescription was made)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-103
Substance that alone or in combination with one or more other ingredients produces the intended activity of a medicinal product.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient code
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-104
Code that identifies the Active ingredient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Strength
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-105
The content of the active ingredient expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume or per unit of weight, according to the pharmaceutical dose form. Example: 500 mg per tablet
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Medicinal product package size
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-138
The size of the package prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Pharmaceutical dose form
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-106
It is the form in which a pharmaceutical product is presented in the medicinal product package (e.g. tablets, syrup)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of packages
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-139
Number of boxes that have been prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Number of units per intake
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-107
The number of units per intake that the patient is taking (e.g. 1 tablet)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Frequency of intakes
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-108
Frequency of intakes (per hours/day/month/ week..). Example: each 24 hours
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Duration of treatment
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-109
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of onset of treatment
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-110
Date when patient needs to start taking the medicine prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Route of administration
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-140

Indicates the part of the body through or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product is intended to be introduced. In some cases a medicinal product can be intended for more than one route and/or method of administration.



treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Instructions to patient
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-141
The prescriber might give to the patient instructions; They must be presented in the original language.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Advice to dispenser
0..1 epsos-dataelement-142
The prescriber might give instructions to the dispenser. The information will be in the original language as automatic translation is not secure enough. To avoid legal and ethical issues to the dispenser, it should be wise to implement an option that allows the dispenser to decide, knowing that this data is available, whether he wants to consult it or not.
treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber
0..1 epsos-dataelement-236
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescriber Profession
0..1 epsos-dataelement-237
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescriber Speciality
0..1 epsos-dataelement-238
Some countries need the specialty of the prescriber for the epSOS ePrescription to be seen as valid. In the epSOS phase 1 ePrescription data set, this element is not basic (minimum), therefore not always filled in. The proposal is to define the specialty of the prescriber as a basic element, so it should be filled in, if available. As it could be that this information is not available in every country, null values should be allowed.
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Timestamp of Prescribing
0..1 epsos-dataelement-239
Date/time the medication was prescribed
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prescriber Identification
0..1 epsos-dataelement-240
Unique identification of the prescriber
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Full Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-241
The full name of the Health Professional
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Given Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-242
The Name of the Prescriber (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Family Name/Surname
0..1 epsos-dataelement-243
This field can contain more than one element.
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Prefix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-269
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Suffix
0..1 epsos-dataelement-270
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Telecom
0..* epsos-dataelement-282
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..1 epsos-dataelement-280
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..1 epsos-dataelement-281
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Healthcare Facility
0..1 epsos-dataelement-244
Information about the healthcare facility where the health professional works
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
0..1 epsos-dataelement-245
Unique identification of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-246
Name of the healthcare facility
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Healthcare Facility Telecom
0..* epsos-dataelement-283
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Telephone No
0..1 epsos-dataelement-278
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Email
0..1 epsos-dataelement-279
treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree folder Prescriber Credentialing Organization
0..1 epsos-dataelement-290
The organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Identifier
0..1 epsos-dataelement-291
Unique identification of the organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
treeblank treeblank treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Name
0..1 epsos-dataelement-292
The name of the organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
treeblank treetree folder Dispense
0..* epsos-dataelement-143
Information about dispensed medication
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Dispense identification
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-165
Unique identification of the dispensed medication
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Date of issue of dispense
1..1 Required epsos-dataelement-173
Date when the medicine has been dispensed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Related Prescription
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-162
The ID of the prescription serving as the basis for the dispensation
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Related Prescription Item
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-299
Identification of the item or medicine of the related prescription (country A) of the dispensed medicine. One prescription might contain more than one item or medicine. In the country where prescriptions contain just one item, then the prescription ID=Prescription ID item.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Brand name
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-172
Original brand name of the medicine (in the language of the country in which the prescription was made)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-160
Substance that alone or in combination with one or more other ingredients produces the intended activity of a medicinal product.
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Active ingredient code
1..* Required epsos-dataelement-159
Code that identifies the Active ingredient
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Strength
1..* Mandatory epsos-dataelement-156
The content of the active ingredient expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume or per unit of weight, according to the pharmaceutical dose form. Example: 500 mg per tablet
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Medicinal product package size
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-158
The size of the package prescribed
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Pharmaceutical dose form
1..1 Mandatory epsos-dataelement-154
It is the form in which a pharmaceutical product is presented in the medicinal product package (e.g. tablets, syrup)
treeblank treeblank treetree draft  Route of administration
0..1 Required epsos-dataelement-153

Indicates the part of the body through or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product is intended to be introduced. In some cases a medicinal product can be intended for more than one route and/or method of administration.

