Item |
DT |
Card |
Conf |
Description |
Label |
0 .. * |
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(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
0 .. 1 |
F |
Example |
<manufacturedProduct classCode="MANU"> <templateId root=""/> <manufacturedMaterial classCode="MMAT" determinerCode="KIND"> <!-- National medicinal product code --> <code code=" " displayName="Pyrimon" codeSystem=" " codeSystemName=" "/> <!-- Brand name --> <name>Pyrimon</name> <XXX:formCode code="10604000" displayName="Eye drops, solution" codeSystem="" codeSystemName="EDQM"/> <!-- Container information --> <XXX:asContent classCode="CONT"> <XXX:containerPackagedMedicine classCode="CONT" determinerCode="INSTANCE"> <XXX:name>Pyrimon 5 ml Eye Drops</XXX:name> <XXX:formCode code="30008000" displayName="Bottle" codeSystem="" codeSystemName="EDQM"/> <XXX:capacityQuantity value="5" unit="ml"/> <XXX:capTypeCode code="30022000" codeSystem="" displayName="Dropper applicator" codeSystemName="EDQM"/> </XXX:containerPackagedMedicine> </XXX:asContent> <!-- This is the generic equivalent --> <XXX:asSpecializedKind classCode="GRIC"> <XXX:generalizedMedicineClass classCode="MMAT"> <XXX:code nullFlavor="NA"/> <XXX:name>Chloramphenicol/ Dexamethasone</XXX:name> </XXX:generalizedMedicineClass> </XXX:asSpecializedKind> <!-- This is the list of active ingredients --> <XXX:ingredient classCode="ACTI"> <!-- Strength 1% w/v --> <XXX:quantity> <XXX:numerator xsi:type="epsos:PQ" value="10" unit="mg"/> <XXX:denominator xsi:type="epsos:PQ" value="1" unit="ml"/> </XXX:quantity> <XXX:ingredient classCode="MMAT" determinerCode="KIND"> <XXX:code code="S01AA01" codeSystem="" displayName="chloramphenicol"/> <XXX:name>Chloramphenicol</XXX:name> </XXX:ingredient> </XXX:ingredient> <XXX:ingredient classCode="ACTI"> <!-- Strength 0.1% w/v --> <XXX:quantity> <XXX:numerator xsi:type="epsos:PQ" value="1" unit="mg"/> <XXX:denominator xsi:type="epsos:PQ" value="1" unit="ml"/> </XXX:quantity> <XXX:ingredient classCode="MMAT" determinerCode="KIND"> <XXX:code code="D07CB04" codeSystem="" displayName="dexamethasone and antibiotics"/> <XXX:name>Dexamethasone</XXX:name> </XXX:ingredient> </XXX:ingredient> </manufacturedMaterial></manufacturedProduct> |
1 .. 1 |
R |
In an epSOS ePrescription or eDispensation document, the name and coding of the medication
are specified in the elements under the <manufacturedProduct> element. The templateId
element is required and identifies this as a Medicine entry.
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
F | |
Example |
<templateId root="">...</templateId> |
0 .. * |
R |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
Included from 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.10.143 epSOS CDA Material (DYNAMIC) 0..*
0 .. * |
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(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
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1 .. 1 |
F |
0 .. 1 |
R |
The <code> element of the <manufacturedMaterial> describes the medication. For the scope of epSOS this is used to convey the “Country A Cross-border/regional/national
medicinal product code.
In a CDA document, the <originalText> shall contain a <reference> whose URI value
points to the generic name and strength of the medication in the narrative, or just
the generic name alone if strength is not relevant.
Note: When the text is supplied from the narrative, the implication is that if the
components of a combination medication are supplied in an entry, these must also be
displayed in narrative text; the combination medication will not be able to be broken
down into its component parts. This is entirely consistent with the CDA Release 2.0
requirements that the narrative supply the necessary and relevant human readable information
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
EN |
0 .. 1 |
R |
In an epSOS ePrescriprion or eDispensation document, the <name> element should contain
the brand name of the medication.
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
R |
<epsos:formCode code='' displayName='' codeSystem='' codeSystemName=''/> This code represents the form of the medication (e.g. tablet, capsule, liquid). The
value of this code affects the units used in the substance administration quantity
element – if the form is a tablet, for example, the unit is 1; if the form is a liquid,
the unit will be part of UCUM. The value set is epSOSDoseForm, OID:
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
Example |
<epsos:formCode code="10211000" codeSystem="" codeSystemName="EDQM" codeSystemVersion="2010" displayName="Capsule, soft">...</epsos:formCode> |
0 .. * |
R |
This structure describes the packaging of the medication. The <epsos:formCode> element
provides the code for the particular package. If the package has a brand name, it
can be described in the <epsos:name> element.. The <epsos:capacityQuantity> element
described the capacity of the packaging. For example, to represent 30 tablets, the
<epsos:formCode> element at the <manufacturedMaterial> level must indicate tablets
as the form, value attribute of the <epsos:capacityQuantity> element must have the
value of 30, and
the unit attribute must be 1. In the cases where the unit attribute is not 1, UCUM
units shall be used. The value set is epSOSUnits, OID
and epSOSDoseForm, OID
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
F |
Example |
<epsos:asContent classCode="CONT"> <epsos:containerPackagedMedicine classCode="CONT" determinerCode="INSTANCE"> <epsos:name/> <epsos:formCode code=" " displayName=" " codeSystem=" " codeSystemName=" "/> <epsos:capacityQuantity value=" " unit=" "/> </epsos:containerPackagedMedicine></epsos:asContent> |
1 .. * |
R |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
F |
1 .. 1 |
F |
Example |
<epsos:containerPackagedMedicine classCode="CONT" determinerCode="INSTANCE">...</epsos:containerPackagedMedicine> |
ST |
0 .. * |
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(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
Example |
<epsos:name>...</epsos:name> |
1 .. 1 |
R |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
Example |
<epsos:formCode code="30007000" codeSystem="" codeSystemName="EDQM" codeSystemVersion="2010" displayName="Blister">...</epsos:formCode> |
PQ |
1 .. 1 |
M |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
cs |
1 .. 1 |
R |
1 .. 1 |
R |
Example |
<epsos:capacityQuantity unit="1" value="700">...</epsos:capacityQuantity> |
0 .. 1 |
R |
The classCode of "GRIC" identifies this structure as the representation of a generic
equivalent of the medication described in the current Medicine entry. The <epsos:code>
element contains the coded representation of the generic medicine, and the <epsos:name>
element may be used for the plain text representation.
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
F |
Example |
<epsos:asSpecializedKind classCode="GRIC"> <epsos:generalizedMedicineClass classCode="MMAT"> <epsos:code code=" " codeSystem=" " displayName=" " codeSystemName=" "/> <epsos:name/> </epsos:generalizedMedicineClass></epsos:asSpecializedKind> |
R |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
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(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
0 .. * |
R |
One or more active ingredients may be represented with this structure. The classCode
of "ACTI" indicates that this is an active ingredient. The <epsos:code> element contains
the coded representation of the ingredient and the <epsos:name> element may be used
for the plain text representation.
“In case of multi active ingredients medicinal product the first ingredient element
is used for describing the the ATC code associated to the medicinal product, each
single active ingredients and related strengths are instead conveyed using the subIngredient
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
F |
1 .. 1 |
F |
Example |
<epsos:ingredient classCode="ACTI">...</epsos:ingredient> |
1 .. 1 |
M |
The medication strength is represented as the ratio of the active ingredient(s) to
a unit of medication. The <epsos:quantity> element contains the numerator and denominator
of the strength ratio.
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
Example |
<epsos:quantity>...</epsos:quantity> |
epsos:PQ |
1 .. 1 |
R |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
R |
1 .. 1 |
R |
Example |
<epsos:numerator unit="mg" value="20" xsi:type="epsos:PQ">...</epsos:numerator> |
epsos:PQ |
1 .. 1 |
R |
(epSOSCDAManufacturedProduct) |
1 .. 1 |
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1 .. 1 |
R |
Example |
<epsos:denominator unit="1" value="1" xsi:type="epsos:PQ">...</epsos:denominator> |