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 Transaction 2.16.840.1.113883. Request PS of country A

Data Set 2.16.840.1.113883. epSOS Data Set

folder  Patient Data
Id epsos-dataelement-5
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description Information about the patient
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
folder  Identification
Id epsos-dataelement-6
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
Id epsos-dataelement-7
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
Value Domain Type identifier
UK-NHS Number
943 476 5919
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
folder  Personal Information
Id epsos-dataelement-8
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description Personal information about the patient
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
folder  Full Name
Id epsos-dataelement-9
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description The full name of the patient
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
Given name
Id epsos-dataelement-12
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Value Domain Type string
Example John
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
Family Name/Surname
Id epsos-dataelement-13
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description This field can containe more than one element.
Value Domain Type string
Example EspaƱol Smith
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
Date of Birth
Id epsos-dataelement-10
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
day, month and year
Example 091/01/2009
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
Id epsos-dataelement-11
Cardinality 0 .. *

Description It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-11.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set epSOSAdministrativeGender (DYNAMIC)
Example M
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario
folder  Document Data
Id epsos-dataelement-62
Cardinality 0 .. 1

Description Information about the document itself
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
Id epsos-dataelement-296
Cardinality 1 .. 1

Description Type of the document
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-296.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set epSOSDocumentCode (DYNAMIC)
Used in 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (1..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (1..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (1..1) in scenario
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario