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 (epsos-issue-32) Value set epSOSRoleClass without dataset binding
Clarification needed (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.
Last assignment to Giorgio Cangioli

Issue Value set epSOSRoleClass without dataset binding
Id epsos-issue-32
Type Clarification needed
Status  Open, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Value set epsos-valueset-39 (2013‑06‑03)
The Value Set is used to make the distinction between an emergency contact and the next of kin for a patient.
Value Set Name Value Set Id Version / effective date Status
epSOSRoleClass 913-20091020 - 2013‑06‑03 Draft
notice There are open issues with this item:
  • epsos-issue-32: Value set epSOSRoleClass without dataset binding (Open)
  • epsos-issue-38: Two different descriptions in the documentation (Open)
Source Code System:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.5.110 RoleClass
Level/ Type Code Display Name Code System Description
0-L ECON emergency contact RoleClass
0-L NOK next of kin RoleClass
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.
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Issue epsos-issue-38
arrowright Assignment to Giorgio Cangioli (id#5) on 2013‑11‑28 17:27:44
  Author assigned by Alexander Henket (id#4)
  Description Comparable to issue#31 this appears to come close to "The role of the person: contact person or legal guardian", but misses Legal Guardian. It is just meant to support the CDA.participant.AssociatedEntity.classCode? If so then this is just conveyed at template level See also:

Issue#38 that deals with the same valueSet

tracking Tracking 2013‑10‑16 13:52:13 - status: Open
  Author Alexander Henket
Description Issue:

This value set does not have a clear binding to anything in the dataset. Advice needed for mapping. May be HL7 Template only?