Issue |
Name of the concept |
Id |
Type |
Clarification needed |
Status |
Open, assigned
Priority |
normal |
Object(s) |
Data element epsos-dataelement-98 "Disability or function" from dataset "epSOS Data Set" 2013‑05‑30 Path to element: Clinical Data / Medical Problems
Disability or function |
Id |
epsos-dataelement-98 |
There is an open issue with this item:
Description |
Used in |
3 scenarios, inherited 0 times |
This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario
This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario
This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario
Assignment to Giorgio Cangioli (id#5) on 2013‑11‑28 18:09:16 |
Author |
assigned by Alexander Henket (id#4) |
Description |
Can we close this one without action based on the fact that Invalidity is not actually
used in epSOS, but just kept in the dataset for historical reasons? The concept is
not in the scenarios anymore.
Tracking 2013‑10‑21 11:53:43 - status: Open
Author |
Elze de Groot |
Description |
Name of the concept: Autonomy/invalidity (MRO) vs Disability or function (HCER) |