Id |
epsos-dataelement-238 (2013‑11‑27 11:03:56)
There is an open issue with this item:
- epsos-issue-49: Missing value set binding for Prescriber Speciality (Open)
Description |
Some countries need the specialty of the prescriber for the epSOS ePrescription to
be seen as valid. In the epSOS phase 1 ePrescription data set, this element is not
basic (minimum), therefore not always filled in. The proposal is to define the specialty
of the prescriber as a basic element, so it should be filled in, if available. As
it could be that this information is not available in every country, null values should
be allowed.
Value Domain |
Type |
code |
Used by |
4 scenarios, inherited 0 times |
This concept is used in transaction
Return eP from country A
(0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
This concept is used in transaction
Return MRO
(0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
This concept is used in transaction
Send HCER to country A
(0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
This concept is used in transaction
Return PS of country A
(0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)