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draft Transaction 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.4.12 Return PS of country A

Data Set 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.1.1 epSOS Data Set

folder draft Patient Data
Id epsos-dataelement-5 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Information about the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Identification
Id epsos-dataelement-6 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Country ID, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation)
Id epsos-dataelement-7 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Country ID from the country of origin, unique for the patient in that country. Example: ID for United Kingdom patient
Value Domain Type identifier
UK-NHS Number
943 476 5919
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft National Health Care patient ID (country of treatment)
Id epsos-dataelement-234 (2013‑11‑25 12:03:28)
Cardinality 0..0 Not present

Description Country ID given in the country of treatment, unique for the patient in that country. Identifier that identifies that patient within the country B eHealth Infrastructure.
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..0 Not present) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Other Identifier
Id epsos-dataelement-235 (2013‑11‑25 12:06:30)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Other identifiers than the national health care patient IDs from either the country of affiliation or the country of treatment
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..*) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Personal Information
Id epsos-dataelement-8 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Personal information about the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Full Name
Id epsos-dataelement-9 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description The full name of the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Given name
Id epsos-dataelement-12 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description The Name of the patient (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Value Domain Type string
Example John
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Family Name/Surname
Id epsos-dataelement-13 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description This field can containe more than one element.
Value Domain Type string
Example Español Smith
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prefix
Id epsos-dataelement-263 (2013‑11‑27 11:44:16)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Suffix
Id epsos-dataelement-264 (2013‑11‑27 11:44:29)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date of Birth
Id epsos-dataelement-10 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description The date of birth of the patient. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
day, month and year
Example 091/01/2009
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Gender
Id epsos-dataelement-11 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description It must contained a recognized valid value for this field.
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-11.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example M
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Contact Information
Id epsos-dataelement-26 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Contact information of the patient, including information of the contacts of the patient.
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..*) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Address
Id epsos-dataelement-27 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Address of the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..*) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Street
Id epsos-dataelement-51 (2013‑06‑04)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Name of street where the patient lives
Value Domain Type string
Example Oxford
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Number of Street
Id epsos-dataelement-52 (2013‑06‑04)
Cardinality 0..1

Description House number where the patient lives
Value Domain Type string
Example 221
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft City
Id epsos-dataelement-55 (2013‑06‑04)
Cardinality 0..1

Description City where the patient lives
Value Domain Type string
Example London
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Postal Code
Id epsos-dataelement-53 (2013‑06‑04)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Postal code where the patient lives
Value Domain Type string
Example W1W 8LG
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft State or Province
Id epsos-dataelement-56 (2013‑06‑04)
Cardinality 0..1

Description State or province where the patient lives
Value Domain Type string
Example London
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Country
Id epsos-dataelement-54 (2013‑06‑04)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Country where the patient lives
Value Domain Type string
Example UK
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Telecom
Id epsos-dataelement-300 (2013‑11‑27 16:52:13)
Cardinality 1..* Required

Description Telecommunication addresses of the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..* Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..* Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Telephone No
Id epsos-dataelement-28 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Telephone number of the patient
Value Domain Type string
Example +45 20 7025 6161
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..*) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Email
Id epsos-dataelement-29 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Email address of the patient
Value Domain Type string
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..*) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Preferred HP to contact
Id epsos-dataelement-30 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Preferred Health Professional to contact. A foreign HP may need a contact (HP/legal organization) who knows the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Full Name
Id epsos-dataelement-46 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Name of the HP/name of the legal organization. If it is an HP, the structure of the name will be the same as described in ‘Full name’ (Given name, family name/surname)
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Given Name
Id epsos-dataelement-47 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Value Domain Type string
Example John
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Conditional) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Family Name/Surname
Id epsos-dataelement-48 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description This field can contain more than one element.
Value Domain Type string
Example Español Smith
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Conditional) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prefix
Id epsos-dataelement-265 (2013‑11‑27 11:44:48)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Conditional) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Suffix
Id epsos-dataelement-266 (2013‑11‑27 11:45:03)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1 Conditional) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Conditional) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Telephone No
Id epsos-dataelement-41 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Telephone number of the HP/name of the legal organization
Value Domain Type string
Example +45 20 7025 6161
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..* Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Email
Id epsos-dataelement-43 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Email address of the HP/name of the legal organization
Value Domain Type string
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..* Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Legal Organization to contact
Id epsos-dataelement-31 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Legal organization to contact about patient. A foreign HP may need a contact (HP/legal organization) who knows the patient
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Organization Name
Id epsos-dataelement-33 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Name of the organization
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Telephone No
Id epsos-dataelement-49 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Telephone number of the organization
Value Domain Type string
Example +45 20 7025 6161
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Email
Id epsos-dataelement-50 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Email address of the organization
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Contact Person/legal guardian
Id epsos-dataelement-34 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Contact or guardian of the patient
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Role of that person
Id epsos-dataelement-35 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The role of the person: contact person or legal guardian
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-35.0
Concept Synonyms Description Assigned references
Contact Person
code "CON" (Contact) from code system "RoleClass"
code "ECON" (Emergency contact) from code system "RoleClass"
Legal Guardian
code "GUARD" (Legal guardian) from code system "RoleClass"
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Full Name
Id epsos-dataelement-36 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Full name of the contact person or guardian
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Given Name
Id epsos-dataelement-37 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The Name of the person (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Value Domain Type string
Example John
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Family Name/Surname
Id epsos-dataelement-38 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description This field can contain more than one element.
Value Domain Type string
Example Español Smith
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prefix
Id epsos-dataelement-267 (2013‑11‑27 11:45:27)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Suffix
Id epsos-dataelement-268 (2013‑11‑27 11:45:39)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Telephone No
Id epsos-dataelement-39 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Telephone number of the person
Value Domain Type string
Example +45 20 7025 6161
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Email
Id epsos-dataelement-40 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Email address of the person
Value Domain Type string
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Insurance Information
Id epsos-dataelement-14 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Information about the insurance of the patient
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Insurance Number
Id epsos-dataelement-15 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description European Health Insurance Code (EHIC) number of the patient
Value Domain Type identifier
Example QQ 12 34 56 A
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Clinical Data
Id epsos-dataelement-16 (2013‑05‑30)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Clinical information of the patient
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..*) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Alerts
Id epsos-dataelement-197 (2013‑10‑24 11:47:59)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Allergy
Id epsos-dataelement-204 (2013‑10‑24 11:49:17)
Cardinality 0..*

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-58 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Allergies and intolerances
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Allergy description
Id epsos-dataelement-205 (2013‑10‑24 11:49:34)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-68 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Description of the clinical manifestation of the allergy reaction. Example: Anaphylactic shock, angioedema (the clinical manifestation also gives information about the severity of the observed reaction)
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Allergy code
Id epsos-dataelement-206 (2013‑10‑24 11:49:34)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-69 (2013‑05‑31)
Description The code of the allergy
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-69.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset Date
Id epsos-dataelement-207 (2013‑10‑24 11:49:34)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-70 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Date when the allergy started
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Agent description
Id epsos-dataelement-208 (2013‑10‑24 11:49:34)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-71 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Describes the agent (drug, food, chemical agent, etc) that is responsible for the adverse reaction
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Agent Code
Id epsos-dataelement-209 (2013‑10‑24 11:49:34)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-72 (2013‑05‑31)
Description The code of the allergen agent
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-72.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.11.1 (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Medical Alert Information
Id epsos-dataelement-214 (2013‑10‑24 14:15:28)
Cardinality 0..*

Comment Other alerts not included in allergies
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Health Care Alert code
Id epsos-dataelement-216 (2013‑10‑24 14:19:45)
Cardinality 0..1

notice There is an open issue with this item:
  • epsos-issue-47: Missing value set binding for Health Care Alert code (Open)
Description The code of the health care alert
Value Domain Type code
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Health Care Alert description
Id epsos-dataelement-215 (2013‑10‑24 14:17:25)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Medical Alert Information: any other clinical information that is imperative to know so that the life or health of the patient does not come under threat
Value Domain Type string
Example intolerance to aspirin due to gastrointestinal bleeding
Example intolerance to captopril because of cough (the patient is not allergic to captopril but can´t tolerate it because of persistent cough
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft History of Past Illness
Id epsos-dataelement-192 (2013‑10‑24 11:30:02)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Problem/Diagnosis
Id epsos-dataelement-222 (2013‑10‑24 14:22:16)
Cardinality 0..*

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-83 (2013‑05‑31)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem/diagnosis Description
Id epsos-dataelement-223 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-84 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Problems or diagnosis not included under the definition of ‘Current problems or diagnosis’. Example: hepatic cyst (the patient has been treated with an hepatic cystectomy that solved the problem and therefore it ́s a closed problem)
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem/diagnosis Id (Code)
Id epsos-dataelement-224 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-85 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-85.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem Status
Id epsos-dataelement-306 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-305 (2013‑11‑28 16:40:53)
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-305.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem Severity
Id epsos-dataelement-302 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-301 (2013‑11‑28)
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-301.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset Time
Id epsos-dataelement-225 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-86 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Date of problem onset
Value Domain Type date
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft End date
Id epsos-dataelement-226 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-174 (2013‑10‑16 14:07:46)
Description Problem resolution date
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Resolution Circumstances
Id epsos-dataelement-227 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-175 (2013‑10‑16 14:09:33)
Description Describes the reason by which the problem changed the status from current to inactive (e.g. surgical procedure, medical treatment, etc). This field includes ‘free text’ if the resolution circumstances are not already included in other fields. Example: It can happen that this field is already included in other like Surgical Procedure, medical device etc, eg: hepatic cystectomy (this wil be the ‘Resolution Circumstances’ for the problem ‘hepatic cyst’ and will be included in surgical procedures)
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Vaccination
Id epsos-dataelement-217 (2013‑10‑24 14:21:37)
Cardinality 0..*

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-167 (2013‑09‑27)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccine brand name
Id epsos-dataelement-218 (2013‑10‑24 14:22:00)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-168 (2013‑09‑27 11:27:51)
Description Brand name of the vaccination
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccine description
Id epsos-dataelement-219 (2013‑10‑24 14:22:00)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-171 (2013‑09‑27 11:29:50)
Description Description of the vaccine
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccine code
Id epsos-dataelement-220 (2013‑10‑24 14:22:00)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-170 (2013‑09‑27 11:29:18)
Description The code of the vaccine
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-170.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccination date
Id epsos-dataelement-221 (2013‑10‑24 14:22:00)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-169 (2013‑09‑27 11:28:23)
Description The date the vaccination was done
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Surgical Procedure
Id epsos-dataelement-210 (2013‑10‑24 13:42:06)
Cardinality 0..*

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-1 (2013‑05‑31)
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure description
Id epsos-dataelement-211 (2013‑10‑24 13:42:21)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-3 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Describes the type of procedure that has been executed as part of the healthcare event.
Value Domain Type string
Example Colonoscopy
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure Id (code)
Id epsos-dataelement-212 (2013‑10‑24 13:42:21)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-2 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-2.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example 73761001
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure Date
Id epsos-dataelement-213 (2013‑10‑24 13:42:21)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-4 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Date when procedure was performed
Value Domain Type datetime
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Example 02/14/2013
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Medical Problems
Id epsos-dataelement-82 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Problem/Diagnosis
Id epsos-dataelement-228 (2013‑10‑24 14:26:14)
Cardinality 0..*

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-83 (2013‑05‑31)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Conditional) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Conditional) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem/diagnosis Description
Id epsos-dataelement-229 (2013‑10‑24 14:26:31)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-84 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Problems or diagnosis not included under the definition of ‘Current problems or diagnosis’. Example: hepatic cyst (the patient has been treated with an hepatic cystectomy that solved the problem and therefore it ́s a closed problem)
Value Domain Type string
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem/diagnosis Id (Code)
Id epsos-dataelement-230 (2013‑10‑24 14:26:31)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-85 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-85.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem Status
Id epsos-dataelement-307 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-305 (2013‑11‑28 16:40:53)
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-305.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem Severity
Id epsos-dataelement-303 (2013‑10‑24 14:23:02)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-301 (2013‑11‑28)
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-301.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset Time
Id epsos-dataelement-231 (2013‑10‑24 14:26:31)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-86 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Date of problem onset
Value Domain Type date
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft End date
Id epsos-dataelement-232 (2013‑10‑24 14:26:31)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-174 (2013‑10‑16 14:07:46)
Description Problem resolution date
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Resolution Circumstances
Id epsos-dataelement-233 (2013‑10‑24 14:26:31)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-175 (2013‑10‑16 14:09:33)
Description Describes the reason by which the problem changed the status from current to inactive (e.g. surgical procedure, medical treatment, etc). This field includes ‘free text’ if the resolution circumstances are not already included in other fields. Example: It can happen that this field is already included in other like Surgical Procedure, medical device etc, eg: hepatic cystectomy (this wil be the ‘Resolution Circumstances’ for the problem ‘hepatic cyst’ and will be included in surgical procedures)
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Surgical Procedure
Id epsos-dataelement-188 (2013‑10‑24 11:13:22)
Cardinality 0..*

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-1 (2013‑05‑31)
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Conditional) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure description
Id epsos-dataelement-189 (2013‑10‑24 11:17:39)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-3 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Describes the type of procedure that has been executed as part of the healthcare event.
Value Domain Type string
Example Colonoscopy
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure Id (code)
Id epsos-dataelement-190 (2013‑10‑24 11:17:39)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-2 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-2.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example 73761001
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure Date
Id epsos-dataelement-191 (2013‑10‑24 11:17:39)
Cardinality 0..1

Concept inherits from epsos-dataelement-4 (2013‑05‑31)
Description Date when procedure was performed
Value Domain Type datetime
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Example 02/14/2013
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Medical Devices and Implants
Id epsos-dataelement-87 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Conditional) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Medical Devices and Implants Description
Id epsos-dataelement-88 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Describes the patient's implanted and external medical devices and equipment that their health status depends on. Includes devices as cardiac pacemakers, implantable defribillator, prothesis, feromagnetic bone implants etc that are important to be known by HP.
Value Domain Type string
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Device Code
Id epsos-dataelement-89 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-89.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Implant Date
Id epsos-dataelement-90 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type date
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Treatments
Id epsos-dataelement-128 (2013‑09‑26 16:58:01)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Treatment description
Id epsos-dataelement-129 (2013‑09‑26 16:58:50)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Therapeutic treatment that does not include drugs (diet, physical excersize constraints etc)
Value Domain Type string
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Treatment code
Id epsos-dataelement-130 (2013‑09‑26 17:00:20)
Cardinality 0..1

notice There is an open issue with this item:
Description normalized identifier, concept code
Value Domain Type code
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset time
Id epsos-dataelement-131 (2013‑09‑26 17:01:28)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date of treatment onset
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Care plan
Id epsos-dataelement-95 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Recommendations Description
Id epsos-dataelement-96 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Therapeutic recommendations that do not include drugs (diet, physical exercise constraints, etc.)
Value Domain Type string
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Recommendations Id (code)
Id epsos-dataelement-97 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-94.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example 73761001
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Disability or function
Id epsos-dataelement-98 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

notice There is an open issue with this item:
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Invalidity description
Id epsos-dataelement-99 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Need of the patient to be continuously assisted by third parties. Invalidity status may influence decisions about how to administer treatments
Value Domain Type string
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset time
Id epsos-dataelement-132 (2013‑09‑26 17:03:54)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date of invalidity onset
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Medication
Id epsos-dataelement-101 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

notice There is an open issue with this item:
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Prescription
Id epsos-dataelement-102 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Conditional) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Conditional) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prescription identification
Id epsos-dataelement-134 (2013‑09‑27 10:48:19)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Unique identification of the prescription
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Medicinal product code
Id epsos-dataelement-135 (2013‑09‑27 10:50:26)
Cardinality 0..1 Required

Description Code that identifies the medicinal product description
Value Domain Type code
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date of issue of prescription
Id epsos-dataelement-136 (2013‑09‑27 10:51:52)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Date when medicine has been prescribed
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Brand name
Id epsos-dataelement-137 (2013‑09‑27 10:52:59)
Cardinality 1..1 Required

Description Original brand name of the medicine (in the language of the country in which the prescription was made)
Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Active ingredient
Id epsos-dataelement-103 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..* Required

Description Substance that alone or in combination with one or more other ingredients produces the intended activity of a medicinal product.
Value Domain Type string
Example Paracetamol
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..* Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Active ingredient code
Id epsos-dataelement-104 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..* Mandatory

Description Code that identifies the Active ingredient
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-104.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Strength
Id epsos-dataelement-105 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..* Mandatory

Description The content of the active ingredient expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume or per unit of weight, according to the pharmaceutical dose form. Example: 500 mg per tablet
Value Domain Type quantity
Example 500 mg per tablet
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..* Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Medicinal product package size
Id epsos-dataelement-138 (2013‑09‑27 10:54:04)
Cardinality 1..1 Required

Description The size of the package prescribed
Value Domain Type count
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Pharmaceutical dose form
Id epsos-dataelement-106 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description It is the form in which a pharmaceutical product is presented in the medicinal product package (e.g. tablets, syrup)
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-106.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example tablets
Example syrup
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Number of packages
Id epsos-dataelement-139 (2013‑09‑27 11:00:57)
Cardinality 1..1 Required

Description Number of boxes that have been prescribed
Value Domain Type quantity
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Number of units per intake
Id epsos-dataelement-107 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Required

Description The number of units per intake that the patient is taking (e.g. 1 tablet)
Comment Posology has been defined from the functional point of view as containing these three components: number of units per intake, frequency of intakes and duration of treatment:(example: 1 unit/intake every 24 hours for a duration of 14 days.

There has to be space for posology in free text with the possibility of a null flavor
Value Domain Type quantity
Example 1 tablet
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Frequency of intakes
Id epsos-dataelement-108 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..* Required

Description Frequency of intakes (per hours/day/month/ week..). Example: each 24 hours
Comment There has to be space for posology in free text with the possibility of a null flavor
Value Domain Type quantity
Example each 24 hours
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..* Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..* Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Duration of treatment
Id epsos-dataelement-109 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Required

Comment There has to be space for posology in free text with the possibility of a null flavor
Value Domain Type quantity
Example during 14 days
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date of onset of treatment
Id epsos-dataelement-110 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 1..1 Required

Description Date when patient needs to start taking the medicine prescribed
Value Domain Type datetime
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Route of administration
Id epsos-dataelement-140 (2013‑09‑27 11:05:39)
Cardinality 0..1 Required


Indicates the part of the body through or into which, or the way in which, the medicinal product is intended to be introduced. In some cases a medicinal product can be intended for more than one route and/or method of administration.



Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-140.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Instructions to patient
Id epsos-dataelement-141 (2013‑09‑27 11:06:50)
Cardinality 0..1 Required

Description The prescriber might give to the patient instructions; They must be presented in the original language.
Value Domain Type text
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Advice to dispenser
Id epsos-dataelement-142 (2013‑09‑27 11:07:18)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The prescriber might give instructions to the dispenser. The information will be in the original language as automatic translation is not secure enough. To avoid legal and ethical issues to the dispenser, it should be wise to implement an option that allows the dispenser to decide, knowing that this data is available, whether he wants to consult it or not.
Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Prescriber
Id epsos-dataelement-236 (2013‑11‑27 11:02:18)
Cardinality 0..1

Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prescriber Profession
Id epsos-dataelement-237 (2013‑11‑27 11:03:07)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-237.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prescriber Speciality
Id epsos-dataelement-238 (2013‑11‑27 11:03:56)
Cardinality 0..1

notice There is an open issue with this item:
  • epsos-issue-49: Missing value set binding for Prescriber Speciality (Open)
Description Some countries need the specialty of the prescriber for the epSOS ePrescription to be seen as valid. In the epSOS phase 1 ePrescription data set, this element is not basic (minimum), therefore not always filled in. The proposal is to define the specialty of the prescriber as a basic element, so it should be filled in, if available. As it could be that this information is not available in every country, null values should be allowed.
Value Domain Type code
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Timestamp of Prescribing
Id epsos-dataelement-239 (2013‑11‑27 11:04:21)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date/time the medication was prescribed
Value Domain Type datetime
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prescriber Identification
Id epsos-dataelement-240 (2013‑11‑27 11:04:55)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Unique identification of the prescriber
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Prescriber Full Name
Id epsos-dataelement-241 (2013‑11‑27 11:05:18)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The full name of the Health Professional
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Given Name
Id epsos-dataelement-242 (2013‑11‑27 11:05:49)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The Name of the Prescriber (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Value Domain Type string
Example John
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Family Name/Surname
Id epsos-dataelement-243 (2013‑11‑27 11:06:25)
Cardinality 0..1

Description This field can contain more than one element.
Value Domain Type string
Example Español Smith
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prefix
Id epsos-dataelement-269 (2013‑11‑27 11:45:59)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Suffix
Id epsos-dataelement-270 (2013‑11‑27 11:46:17)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Prescriber Telecom
Id epsos-dataelement-282 (2013‑11‑27 12:27:48)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Telephone No
Id epsos-dataelement-280 (2013‑11‑27 12:27:03)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Email
Id epsos-dataelement-281 (2013‑11‑27 12:27:19)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Prescriber Healthcare Facility
Id epsos-dataelement-244 (2013‑11‑27 11:09:08)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Information about the healthcare facility where the health professional works
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Identifier
Id epsos-dataelement-245 (2013‑11‑27 11:09:42)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Unique identification of the healthcare facility
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Name
Id epsos-dataelement-246 (2013‑11‑27 11:09:57)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Name of the healthcare facility
Value Domain Type string
Example St. Johns Hospital
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Healthcare Facility Telecom
Id epsos-dataelement-283 (2013‑11‑27 12:28:21)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..*) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..*) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Telephone No
Id epsos-dataelement-278 (2013‑11‑27 12:24:25)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Email
Id epsos-dataelement-279 (2013‑11‑27 12:24:51)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Prescriber Credentialing Organization
Id epsos-dataelement-290 (2013‑11‑27 13:38:39)
Cardinality 0..*

Description The organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Identifier
Id epsos-dataelement-291 (2013‑11‑27 13:39:16)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Unique identification of the organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Name
Id epsos-dataelement-292 (2013‑11‑27 13:39:55)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The name of the organization which provided the credentialing for the prescriber
Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Surgical Procedure
Id epsos-dataelement-1 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure description
Id epsos-dataelement-3 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Describes the type of procedure that has been executed as part of the healthcare event.
Value Domain Type string
Example Colonoscopy
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure Id (code)
Id epsos-dataelement-2 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-2.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example 73761001
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Procedure Date
Id epsos-dataelement-4 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date when procedure was performed
Value Domain Type datetime
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Example 02/14/2013
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Problem/Diagnosis
Id epsos-dataelement-83 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem/diagnosis Description
Id epsos-dataelement-84 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Problems or diagnosis not included under the definition of ‘Current problems or diagnosis’. Example: hepatic cyst (the patient has been treated with an hepatic cystectomy that solved the problem and therefore it ́s a closed problem)
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem/diagnosis Id (Code)
Id epsos-dataelement-85 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Normalized identifier
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-85.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem Status
Id epsos-dataelement-305 (2013‑11‑28 16:40:53)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-305.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Problem Severity
Id epsos-dataelement-301 (2013‑11‑28)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-301.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset Time
Id epsos-dataelement-86 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date of problem onset
Value Domain Type date
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft End date
Id epsos-dataelement-174 (2013‑10‑16 14:07:46)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Problem resolution date
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Resolution Circumstances
Id epsos-dataelement-175 (2013‑10‑16 14:09:33)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Describes the reason by which the problem changed the status from current to inactive (e.g. surgical procedure, medical treatment, etc). This field includes ‘free text’ if the resolution circumstances are not already included in other fields. Example: It can happen that this field is already included in other like Surgical Procedure, medical device etc, eg: hepatic cystectomy (this wil be the ‘Resolution Circumstances’ for the problem ‘hepatic cyst’ and will be included in surgical procedures)
Value Domain Type string
Used by one scenario, inherited 2 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Physical Findings
Id epsos-dataelement-117 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Vital Signs Observations
Id epsos-dataelement-118 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Blood Pressure
Id epsos-dataelement-119 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Description One value of blood pressure which includes: systolic Blood Pressure and Diastolic Blood pressure
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Systolic Blood Pressure
Id epsos-dataelement-120 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "8480-6" (INTRAVASCULAR SYSTOLIC) from code system 8480-62 LOINC
Value Domain Type quantity
Range unit min. fraction digits default fixed
min include max include        
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Diastolic Blood Pressure
Id epsos-dataelement-121 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "8462-4" (INTRAVASCULAR DIASTOLIC) from code system 8462-42 LOINC
Value Domain Type quantity
Range unit min. fraction digits default fixed
min include max include        
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date when blood pressure was measured
Id epsos-dataelement-122 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date when blood pressure was measured
Value Domain Type date
Example 01/01/2010
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Diagnostic Tests
Id epsos-dataelement-123 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Blood Group
Id epsos-dataelement-124 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Result of Blood Group
Id epsos-dataelement-125 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Result from the blood group test made to the patient
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-125.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example blood group A
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date
Id epsos-dataelement-126 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date in which the blood group test was done. This field may contain only the year if day and month are not available. Eg: 01/01/2009
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
day, month and year
Example 01/01/2009
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Vaccination
Id epsos-dataelement-167 (2013‑09‑27)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccine brand name
Id epsos-dataelement-168 (2013‑09‑27 11:27:51)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Brand name of the vaccination
Value Domain Type string
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccine description
Id epsos-dataelement-171 (2013‑09‑27 11:29:50)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Description of the vaccine
Value Domain Type string
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccine code
Id epsos-dataelement-170 (2013‑09‑27 11:29:18)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The code of the vaccine
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-170.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Vaccination date
Id epsos-dataelement-169 (2013‑09‑27 11:28:23)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The date the vaccination was done
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Allergy
Id epsos-dataelement-58 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Description Allergies and intolerances
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Allergy description
Id epsos-dataelement-68 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Description of the clinical manifestation of the allergy reaction. Example: Anaphylactic shock, angioedema (the clinical manifestation also gives information about the severity of the observed reaction)
Value Domain Type string
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Allergy code
Id epsos-dataelement-69 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The code of the allergy
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-69.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Allergy Severity
Id epsos-dataelement-304 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-304.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Onset Date
Id epsos-dataelement-70 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date when the allergy started
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Agent description
Id epsos-dataelement-71 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Describes the agent (drug, food, chemical agent, etc) that is responsible for the adverse reaction
Value Domain Type string
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Agent Code
Id epsos-dataelement-72 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description The code of the allergen agent
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-72.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.11.1 (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited once
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Pregnancy History
Id epsos-dataelement-115 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Expected date of delivery
Id epsos-dataelement-116 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Date in which the woman is due to give birth. Year, day and month are required.
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "11778-8" (Delivery date Clinical.estimated) from code system 11778-82 LOINC
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "11779-6" (Delivery date Estimated from last menstrual period) from code system 11779-62 LOINC
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "11780-4" (Delivery date Estimated from ovulation) from code system 11780-42 LOINC
Terminology Asscociation This concept is represented by code "11781-2" (Delivery US.composite.estimated) from code system 11781-22 LOINC
Value Domain Type date
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Example 01/01/2010
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Social History
Id epsos-dataelement-111 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Social History Observations
Id epsos-dataelement-112 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..*

Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..*) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Social History Observations related to: smoke, alcohol and diet
Id epsos-dataelement-113 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-113.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example cigarette smoker
Example alcohol consumption
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date range of observation
Id epsos-dataelement-114 (2013‑05‑31)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Example 1974 to 2004
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Document Data
Id epsos-dataelement-62 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Information about the document itself
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Identification
Id epsos-dataelement-176 (2013‑10‑22 14:47:34)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Identification of the document
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Type
Id epsos-dataelement-296 (2013‑11‑27 14:10:56)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Type of the document
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-296.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Request eP from country A (1..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Request MRO (1..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Request PS of country A (1..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Confidentiality
Id epsos-dataelement-297 (2013‑11‑27 14:11:34)
Cardinality 0..1 Required

Description Confidentiality of the document as a whole
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-297.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1 Required) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1 Required) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1 Required) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Language
Id epsos-dataelement-298 (2013‑11‑27 14:12:11)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description The principal language of the document
Operationalization The language code SHALL be in the form nn-CC. The nn portion SHALL be an ISO-639-1 language code in lower case derived by the Value Set epSOSLanguage. The CC portion SHALL be an ISO-3166 country code in upper case derived by the value Set epSOSCountry
Value Domain Type code
English in United Kingdom
Dutch in The Netherlands
Dutch in Belgium
German in Germany
German in Austria
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Country A
Id epsos-dataelement-63 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Name of country A
Value Domain Type code
Choice list
Concept List epsos-dataelement-63.0

Terminology Asscociation: This concept list is represented by Value Set (version DYNAMIC)
Example United Kindom
Used by 2 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Topicality
Id epsos-dataelement-64 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Date Created
Id epsos-dataelement-65 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Date on which the document was generated
Value Domain Type datetime
Timestamp precision
at least day, month and year
Example 01/01/2009
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Author
Id epsos-dataelement-67 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description To highlight if the data is collected manually by an HP or is collected automatically from different sources (eg: hospital doctor repository, GPs...etc) through predetermined clinical rules.
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Author Identification
Id epsos-dataelement-22 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Unique identification of the Health Professional.
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Author Full Name
Id epsos-dataelement-19 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description The full name of the Health Professional
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Given Name
Id epsos-dataelement-20 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description The Name of the HP (Example: John). This field can contain more than one element
Value Domain Type string
Example John
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..* Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..* Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Family Name/Surname
Id epsos-dataelement-21 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description This field can contain more than one element.
Value Domain Type string
Example Español Smith
Used by 5 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (1..1 Required) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (1..1 Required) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Prefix
Id epsos-dataelement-273 (2013‑11‑27 11:47:15)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Suffix
Id epsos-dataelement-274 (2013‑11‑27 11:47:25)
Cardinality 0..1

Value Domain Type string
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
folder draft Author Healthcare Facility
Id epsos-dataelement-23 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 0..1

Description Information about the healthcare facility where the health professional works
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..1) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (0..1) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Identifier
Id epsos-dataelement-25 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Unique identification of the healthcare facility
Value Domain Type identifier
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
draft Name
Id epsos-dataelement-24 (2013‑06‑03)
Cardinality 1..1 Mandatory

Description Name of the healthcare facility
Value Domain Type string
Example St. Johns Hospital
Used by 3 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Send eD to country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario eDispensation (eD)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (1..1 Mandatory) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)