Patient Data |
Concept |
Identification |
Concept |
National Health Care patient ID (country of affiliation) |
National Health Care patient ID (country of treatment) |
Other Identifier |
Personal Information |
Concept |
Full Name |
Concept |
Given name |
Family Name/Surname |
Prefix |
Suffix |
Date of Birth |
Gender |
Contact Information |
Concept |
Address |
Concept |
Street |
Number of Street |
City |
Postal Code |
State or Province |
Country |
Telecom |
Concept |
Telephone No |
Email |
Preferred HP to contact |
Concept |
Full Name |
Concept |
Given Name |
Family Name/Surname |
Prefix |
Suffix |
Telephone No |
Email |
Clinical Data |
Concept |
Medical Problems |
Concept |
Problem/Diagnosis |
Concept |
Problem/diagnosis Description |
Problem/diagnosis Id (Code) |
Problem Status |
Problem Severity |
Onset Time |
Disability or function |
Concept |
Invalidity description |
Onset time |
Medication |
Concept |
Physical Findings |
Concept |
Vital Signs Observations |
Concept |
Blood Pressure |
Concept |
Systolic Blood Pressure |
| | | | |